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[ I apologize for the wait on this chapter. I have been busy with school and a tad bit of writers block, but I do hope to shorten the wait time between chapters pretty soon. Thank you for your patience! ]

erubescent (adj.) - reddening, blushing

"Hey Reed, you wanna start this weekend?" Head coach Farid Benstiti asked her as they finished up their final training of the week before they were heading on the road to Orlando to play the Pride in their house.

"I'd be honored to coach." She responded with a humbled smile, and he gave her a fist bump.

"Great. I have no doubts you'll play amazing." He told her as he walked off with their assistant coaches to discuss their weekend. They were leaving that evening and would land in Orlando around seven o'clock Seattle time, ten o'clock Orlando time. Orlando City was at home as well that weekend, so she hoped to see Nash in person for the first time in three almost four months. They also usually knew the starting lineup before they left for the weekend, so her starting must have been a last minute change.

"Ready to go somewhere warm and sunny?" Bethany asked as Samantha hopped into the backseat of her car.

"Hell yeah. It's always raining here." Sofia answered. "Everyone packed?"

"Yup, I'm ready to head out." Samantha chuckled as the car started moving.

"I bet you are." Bethany said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked in response.

"You get to see your boyfriend this weekend." She answered with a pointed look, and they all just laughed.

"And?" She said with another laugh.

"You can't tell us you're not excited to be heading to Florida." Sofia hopped in.

"I am excited, don't worry. Just keeping my excitement at bay." She answered as they pulled into their driveway. They did not live far from the stadium, which was nice and made for a short commute back and forth. It was also what made their house party central after home games since they lived so close. They all made their way inside to grab their bags, Samantha just grabbing her backpack that was already packed and ready to go. She had been waiting to go to Orlando since she saw it on their schedule, and after many missed phone calls and inconsistent alone time with one another, she was itching to see Nash. They hopped back in Bethany's car and sped off to the airport where they were meeting to get on the plane to sunny Florida, and everyone on the team was itching for some warm weather.

Six hours later they were touching down at the Orlando International Airport and they were ready to stretch their legs and get off the plane. As soon as they were able to, Samantha took her phone off of airplane mode and called Nash as they went through the jetwalk to get to the main part of the airport.

"I'm assuming you've landed?" Nash asked after they said their hellos.

"Yup, I'm in Orlando for the next few days. I think we're having a light recovery training as soon as we get settled in the hotel, but then I'm yours the rest of the evening if you're free." She told him as the lot of them walked through the airport.

"Are you free right now?" He asked, and she chuckled.

"I mean technically yes but we're heading out to our bus now." She responded as they went outside of the airport. She was smart and never carried luggage anymore, just enough for a carry on backpack and nothing else. She was about to walk towards the bus when she saw a man on the phone give her a wave, and she grinned, hanging up her phone and dropping her backpack to run to him, and she wrapped her arms around him and hopped up against him.

VIRAGOOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant