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[ Going to be taking a small break this weekend because I will be heading out of town, but I will see you next week! ]

syzgy (n.) - an alignment of celestial bodies

The next couple weeks had been rough with not being able to play while her jaw healed and preparing for classes to start after Labor Day, which was that coming weekend. She was heading to see Dr. Edward Bink to hopefully get cleared to play the rest of the season, for she had already missed two games due to her injury. She still reported to every practice and every game, acting as an assistant coach almost.

She had barely talked to her father over the last two weeks, but she made sure to have dinner on the table every evening in time for him to be home. He had reamed her out a couple times, but he had not laid a hand on her again, and she was glad, for she was sure she had gotten a bruised rib or two after he had punched her. Things were a little weird between her and Nash after that evening in George's living room, but he now knew things about her no one else knew, so he was stuck with her.

She walked out of the hospital with no pain in her jaw and clearance papers to give to her coach and the athletic trainer, and she could not be happier. She was heading straight to practice from the appointment, so she was already dressed and had her stuff in the car. She drove around town and to the high school. It was their last practice before school started on Tuesday, and they had a game on Wednesday.

"These are for you." She greeted as she handed her clearance papers to Coach Wallace when she arrived. "I'll give Scott his copy when I see him at the game on Wednesday."

"Welcome back Reed. Go ahead and hop in with the rest of them." He told her, and she grinned as she pulled on her cleats and tied them, joining in on warmups. She had not been too late, so she was able to get a full practice in. It was good to be back, and even though she was sore after being off for the last two weeks, it was a good sore. She sat on the turf and packed up her soccer bag, excited to have the weekend off. She was heading camping with some of the guys to get out of two for the weekend, but they were not going far, just up to Port Crescent.

"Reed you good to go this evening?" Ryan asked her as they gathered their group of the guys going. From the team, it was her, George, Ryan, Nick, and Nash, and then they were bringing their girlfriends, so it also included Taylor, Rachel, Becca, and Carly. She was gonna be the odd one out, but she did not really mind, for she loved camping. If she could and if her career allowed for it, she would live in a cabin in the middle of the woods. She was bringing her own tent and had just about everything she thought they would need for the weekend packed.

"Uh yeah, I just gotta pack up a couple more things and make sure my dad has enough food to last him through Monday." She responded as she hiked her bag onto her shoulder. "If you guys wanna go ahead I'll be right behind you."

"Okay cool. We'll see you up there." George answered, and the five of them dispersed. She made her way back home, leaving her car running as she ran inside to grab a couple things and pack them up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father asked, and she jumped.

"I told you I was going camping this weekend. Why aren't you at work?" She asked in response, and a hint of recognition crossed his face.

"They give us Thursday and Friday off for the holiday weekend. Did I say you could go on this camping trip?" He questioned, and she got the sinking feeling in her stomach.

"You said I could go the other day." She answered, a white lie escaping her lips. Yes, he had told her she could go, but he was intoxicated and probably did not remember.

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