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[ Since I didn't update for a little while, you're getting two chapters today, so enjoy! This one's a good one ;) ]

cacoethes (n.) - the urge to do something inadvisable 

Their morning semifinal game went on without a hitch, the Pirates securing their spot in the finals with a three-nil victory over a team from Grand Rapids. More families had finally come out to support them through the semifinals and now finals, and this was the time they were going to need them the most. Since both semifinal games happened at the same time, the championship and the consolation match were also set to start at the same time of one in the afternoon, so they had a good two hours to rest up and prepare. Samantha had cooled off from yesterday and after her performance in the earlier game, she was on top of the world and ready to take on whatever was waiting for them at one. Most of the guys sat with their girlfriends and families, and it made her a little jealous. Jason was not able to make it that morning due to a last minute job request, but he promised he would be there for the final, so it was just her during their break. She was young, but she had always wanted a relationship. She was pretty enough, she had guys hit on her all the time, but she was too much of one of the guys and always had been. She was the best friend and sister they never had, but never the girlfriend.

Quarter past noon came and they started walking over to the empty field. They had all the time they wanted to get warmed up and ready for the game, so they took their time to get loosened up and get some touches on the ball before the game began. Since it was the championship game, they did a line up and introduced each player like they would in a regular high school game. Once that was over, they did a final peptalk, Nash getting in the middle to hype them all up for the championship. Afterward they took the field, Samantha doing her handshake that she and Nash had come up with when they found out they were going to be captains together from now on.

The whistle blew and they were off, the Wildcats of Thunder Bay High School from Alpena pressing against them hard as they worked with the ball. They were aggressive and fast, but they did not have much foot skills except to shoot and pass, so Owen and Ted easily danced around them with the help of Hunter and Jack on the wings. It was almost like playing keepaway with a group of fast angry bulls. Owen went to make a pass back to Bill, but one of the Wildcats sprung loose and intercepted the pass and began racing down towards her box. Nash went to go defend the forward, jockeying and keeping with him as they worked down the field. He saw an opportunity and poked the ball off the forwards foot and went around him, but the forward discreetly pulled him backward and got the ball back, spinning around and coming in on net. Samantha was already cutting off the angle and was awaiting the shot, and she dove to her right as soon as the ball launched, and she got it in her grasp. She had it in her hands and the forward continued to come at her, and even though he was a good three inches taller than she was and a lot bigger, she stood her ground as he came at her, awaiting her to drop the shot he thought was so good. When he got up into her face, she held onto the ball.

"You weren't scoring on me, big guy. Especially when you take down my teammate." She told him as he continued to get into her face. The referee was busy tending to her fallen teammate to see what was going on.

"Girls like you shouldn't be playing here. Go home blondie, you're ass." He told her as the referee started walking over.

"Your daddy sure seemed to like my ass last night, dick." She retorted quickly without thinking, and she knew she struck a nerve, for she could tell he was a daddy's boy. Before she knew it, a fist was coming at her face, and she dropped the ball and caught it in a gloved hand. His eyes went wide as she twisted his arm and pushed him away from her. They were both given yellow cards, but whatever foul was given out was awarded to her so she did not have to worry about a penalty kick. The referee knew she was defending herself, but he did not appreciate the retaliation, which she could understand. She knew the guys were laughing on the sideline, and she could tell her coach was trying to stifle laughter as well, for they had heard every word while the rest of her teammates were focused on Nash, who had gotten subbed off the field momentarily. Ryan slid over in his place and Trevor took over the wing to finish out the rest of the half, the referee blowing the whistle at nil-nil. When she got to the sideline, Coach Wallace and teammates were laughing and applauding for what they witnessed five minutes before.

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