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rewild (v.) - to return to a more natural state

She turned the water off after she washed her hair and stepped out of the tub. She dried her face, her body, then threw her hair up into the towel. She changed back into the clothes she was wearing when she left the house, which consisted of jeans and a sweatshirt. She took her hair down and ran her fingers through it, then put everything but the towel back into her backpack. She took the towel with her so she could hang it up outside on the clothesline. She opened the bathroom door to a hushed conversation coming from the kitchen. She took in a deep breath and walked back into the main part of the house, and Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael looked up at her, their conversation seizing.

"I'm gonna go hang this up outside." She said softly, stepping around the table, putting her shoes on, and heading out the front door. Not long after she left she heard the screen door slam again as she flung the towel over the line, and she looked behind her to see Mr. Carmichael coming towards her.

"Please don't say whatever you're going to say." She told him as he got closer. He did not say anything, but instead just wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Her backpack dropped from her hand and she let him embrace her, for there was an odd comfort from him.

"I know you don't want me to say anything, but listen anyway." He said in her ear. "I cannot imagine what you're going through right now, but I can tell you're scared. I can tell you're absolutely terrified. I don't know what else is going on in your life besides this, but I need you to know how important you are to a lot of people. Your parents, your teammates, your fiance, and to us. I know you're strong, and extremely stubborn, but let us and those around you take care of you for once. Let us be the shoulder you cry on instead of the other way around. You don't need to be alone through all of this Samantha." He told her quickly, stumbling on his words as he choked back tears himself as he said it. Silent tears had started falling down her cheeks as she buried her face into his shoulder. She did not respond by the time she pulled away, wiping her tears away from her eyes and picking up her backpack. She did not know how to respond, but she knew what he was talking about. She wanted to be the one to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders for other people, even with all her own personal problems.

"Okay." Was all she could muster in a small voice, but she gave him a small smile of understanding.

"Don't worry about working while you're here, go try and get some sleep. I know it's like a shack up there, but the mattress is pretty comfortable." He told her, getting her to chuckle.

"Honestly, I don't think I can sleep right now, but I'll try." She admitted, hiking her backpack onto her shoulder and walking towards the barn. She had become a husk of the person she had once been, and she felt as if there was nothing left. However, she knew there was someone she needed to talk to that she had not called in a little while.

She set her backpack on the floor beside the bed and sat down in the chair, looking as the sun peeked over the trees. She took her phone out of her back pocket and pulled up Dana's contact information. It was Sunday, and she knew that she did not go to church, even if they were a few hours ahead. She wanted to hear her voice and see her face, so she decided to FaceTime her, and called away. She took in a deep breath as it rang, and when she answered with a bright smile, a smile could not help making its way to her face.

"Why good morning Sam." She greeted, her voice sweet and reminding her of home.

"Hey, it's nice to hear your voice." She responded with a sigh, a smile remaining on her lips.

"Who is it?" She heard Rick ask from out of frame, and Dana turned the phone so he could see. "Reed! What's going on?"

"Living the life Coach." She chuckled.

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