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abience (n.) - the strong urge to avoid someone or something

She did not remember much from the remainder of the night, but the hollowing feeling of her father being out of prison stayed with her as she got ready for their afternoon recovery and training session. She had not even told Nash about her phone call last night, but she did not want him to worry over her. Kelley could tell something was up, but she was respectful of her boundaries and did not bother her about it. The two of them made their way down to the lobby to meet the rest of the team, Samantha locking eyes with Sofia and Bethany. She assumed that Bethany now knew what was going on, but before any of them could talk, her phone began to ring. She looked at the number and saw it was Detective Crawford. She stepped out of the lobby and outside by the bus to have a little privacy from the rest of the team.

"Ms. Reed?" He said.

"Hey, Detective, good afternoon." She responded, running a hand through her hair. "Were you able to find anything?"

"That I was. Your father is staying with his brother and sister-in-law in Ann Arbor. Your brother wouldn't take him in, and since the bank foreclosed on his base residence here in Harbor Beach, he resorted to staying with them." Detective Crawford explained to her as her team started walking out of the lobby to get on the bus.

"So he's in Ann Arbor?" She asked to clarify.

"Yes, as well as his parole officer, whom he has to meet with once a week. He should have no reason to return to Harbor Beach to be completely honest, especially if you're going to be living in Seattle." He added, Sofia looking at her and beckoning her towards the bus.

"Thank you for the update, Detective. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to go." She said, holding up a finger to Sofia to give her a minute.

"No that's alright, I figured you'd wanna keep this short and sweet anyhow. Good luck with the rest of your time in LA, we'll be watching!" He told her with enthusiasm in his voice, and she chuckled and thanked him before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. She let out a deep sigh, calming her nerves before climbing onto the bus, walking to the back and sitting in her seat in front of Bethany and across from Sofia.

"Everything alright?" Sofia asked, leaning in so their conversation was more private as the bus began to move.

"Yeah it's fine. As fine as fine can be." Samantha sighed. "He's with my aunt and uncle in Ann Arbor."

"Well that's at least decent news, it means he's not at home." Bethany said, and she nodded.

"I still have to tell Nash, he'll already be upset that I didn't tell him sooner." Samantha added, and Bethany squeezed her shoulder.

"He'll understand. Your time schedules are completely different right now and you're still taking it all in. The man that abused you for two years is out of prison early, that's a lot to cope with, on top of being in camp right now." Sofia reasoned with her as they pulled into the stadium parking lot. Luckily since they had a game yesterday, today was just to stay loose and recover from a long ninety plus minutes, so she was able to just get some touches on the ball and do workouts, keeping her mind off her father for the time being. After two hours of being at the field they boarded the bus once again, everyone exhausted. Vlatko had decided to treat them to a team dinner, so once they got back to the hotel, everyone went to their hotel rooms to at least shower.

"Go ahead, I'll be up in a few." Samantha told Kelley.

"You sure? I might take a little while in the shower." She responded.

"Yeah go for it, I've got to make a couple phone calls first." She said, and Kelley shrugged.

"Alright, I'll meet you up there." She said, leaving her in the lobby again. Samantha pulled her phone out and hit Nash's contact information as she walked out the main doors. She put the phone up to her ear as she sat down on the curb, bringing her knees into her chest as it dialed. It was already going on five in the evening in Los Angeles, meaning it was eight o'clock there.

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