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[ Wow, hello! I first off want to apologize for my absence. I needed a break after school was done, and even in that break I have been quite busy with work to write for you all. However, things are starting to slow down for me again, so that means more time to write, which I am very excited for. I promise updates will be more frequent, thank you for sticking with me! Hitting that publish button felt really good. Here's a little longer chapter for all of you :) ]

ignify (v.) - to form into fire; to burn

When she exited the plane, warm air greeted her as she went through LAX. Coming from the bitter cold of the thumb of Michigan to Los Angeles, California was a major difference, but it was something that was welcomed. She had been given directions on where to go, and an Uber was provided for her to get to the hotel where they would be staying for the next two weeks. She felt good - she had had time to rest her mind after everything that happened to her last year. It was now a new year, new start of the season, and she was starting it on a high note with the US Women's National Team. Bethany and Sofia had both been called up as well, so she at least would know a couple people going in. She was at least acquainted with a lot of the women that were called in so it was not like they were strangers. However, she had never met Vlatko, and that was the most intimidating part.

She arrived at the hotel and was instantly greeted by Sofia and Bethany, who both gave her a huge hug.

"We missed you so much! How was Michigan?" Sofia asked excitedly as they walked through the lobby of the hotel towards the front desk so she could get her room key.

"It was good! Holidays were good, ate a little more than I should have, got to see my Bandit and spend some well needed time with Nash and his family, as well as Dana and Rick and my brother. Dana actually hooked me up with a teaching job for a few weeks before they went on Christmas so that was cool." She explained as they walked up, greeting the woman at the front.

"Name please?" The woman asked.

"Uh Sam Reed." She responded, and the lady went through the computer and found her room.

"Alright you are in room 307, here is your room key. Your roommate hasn't arrived yet, but you're with..." She paused to squint at the name on the screen. "Kelley O'Hara."

"Thank you very much." Samantha told her as she took the room key and followed her friends to the elevator. "Well what about you guys? Did you have fun in Australia? Watched what I could, saw you guys won it all though."

"Yeah it was a shit show but tons of fun. Hopefully you'll come with us next winter!" Bethany responded as they got off the elevator and onto the third floor.

"I guess it all depends on this wedding and if we're waiting to do our honeymoon until after both of our seasons are over. So I guess we'll see." She chuckled, finding her room in the middle of the hallway.

"We'll let you get settled, dinner is at five!" Sofia said, and Samantha nodded.

"See you guys there." She told them as she unlocked her door. They walked off towards their room as she entered her own, shutting the door behind her. She instantly went over to the air conditioning unit and turned the heat down, then set her bag on the bed by the window. It was a quaint hotel room, enough room for her and her roommate for the next week, the one and only Kelley O'Hara. They would be hardcore training for the week, lots of conditioning and tactical training before the National Team's first game back for the 2024 season. She plopped down on the bed and sighed, everything still feeling so surreal. Just yesterday she was riding Bandit and helping Nash out on the farm. Today she was across the nation, laying on the bed of a five star hotel, gearing up to go through her first camp with the US Women's National Team.

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