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zemblanity (n.) - the inevitable discovery of what we would rather not know

Samantha parked in the school parking lot and saw schoolmates pulling up in style. She climbed out of her car and locked her keys inside, having a door code on the outside of the vehicle. She called Taylor, wondering where they were.

"Hey Sam!" She greeted as she put the phone up to her ear.

"Hey, where are you guys?" She asked. She kept the phone up to her ear and looked around, skimming through the groups of people to see if she could find them.

"Up near the doors. I think I see you." Taylor answered, and she looked up to find her waving. Samantha gave her a smile and waved back, hanging up her phone. She walked up to the six of them, giving another small wave.

"Hey guys." She greeted with a small smile. She saw Rachel's eyes burning through her, but Nash looked her up and down in shock.

"You fall off the face of the earth all night and you come out here lookin' like a lil' baddie!" Taylor said what they were all thinking, giving her a little hug. She winced in pain, and they all noticed it.

"I crashed after the game last night and I am still super sore." She explained, giving them a white lie.

"Understandable. If I had gotten tackled like that I probably woulda passed out after too." Ryan said, and they all agreed. They all shifted up in the line, and she kept catching Nash stealing glances at her. He stepped back for a moment while the group moved ahead.

"You look beautiful, Reed." He said softly, and she pressed her lips together.

"Thanks Adams, but you should be telling your girlfriend that, not me." She responded.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know I shouldn't have done what I did, but I miss my friend." He answered, and she could hear the frustration in his voice.

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to Nash. Can we not talk about this tonight? I just wanted to make an appearance, I'm not staying long." She told him as they caught up with the rest of their group.

"Are you still coming to George's?" He asked her as they finally got inside the doors and were ushered towards the gymnasium, which was dark except for flashing lights and loud music blaring throughout the front lobby.

"We'll see. Depends on how I'm feeling." She answered, brushing him off to hang out with the rest of them again. The girls took some pictures together and they were able to round up their teammates to get a team picture with everyone all dressed up. They made their way inside the gymnasium and the music was loud. The dance floor was a little spotty, for it was the beginning of the dance, and no one wanted to be the first ones out there.

The guys decided to change that.

Nash, Ryan, George, Bill, and Nick made their way to the middle as Meghan Thee Stallion came on, and although they made complete fools of themselves, it got a slew of students onto the dance floor. Samantha stuck to the sides for the most part, but she enjoyed the atmosphere and danced with the girls and some of the guys. She was still having a great time, even though she was still dealing with her injuries. For the next hour the dance floor was packed, but then a slow song came on, and only the couples truly remained. She sat down on one of the bleacher seats, and she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and found Owen standing over her.

"Wanna dance?" He asked with a charming smile, and she smiled as well, taking his extended hand and getting to her feet once again. They made it over to the dance floor and did more of a joke around slow dance.

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