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epochal (adj.) - highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era

Over the next month, the two of them rekindled a relationship that they had lost over being long distance for so long. Sure, they had been together through everything, but they had not been physically together like this in a very long time. They talked about their plans for the future, and Nash had gotten final confirmation that he would be traded to the Sounders after their season was over. They discussed moving in together and being able to finally start their lives together.

The Orlando City ended up taking second place in the MLS Cup, which although it was a heartbreaking loss, they were still in high hopes. They said their goodbyes to Nash and Samantha, and they headed home to Michigan for the time being. They were both excited to be back in the state they called home, and although it was a hit in the face for weather, they would not wish it to be any other way. The first thing they did after visiting with their families for a little while was go for a trail ride on Bandit and Hera. The horses were excited to see them, and she could tell that they were still getting well treated by the Adams family. She was happy to be on the back of a horse that she had spent the better part of a year getting to know and love, and she could tell he was happy that she was home.

She helped out in the stable when she could, but Dana had been able to get her a job at the high school substitute teaching for her English classes since the grade eleven teacher went out on maternity leave. It was not a long term gig, but most of the time she was home, the school would be on their holiday break. It would be a good use of her time and keep her busy though, and she appreciated Dana thinking of her to take over the position.

"Hey, you know our five year high school reunion is coming up when the school goes on Christmas break." Nash told her when they got back from a trail ride.

"Oh jeez, are you really thinking about going?" She asked him with a laugh as she hopped off the back of Bandit and pulled the reins over his head to guide him to his stable.

"I mean, I'd like to at least make an appearance. Show them what we became." He told her, and she could hear the seriousness in his voice. "Look, I know how you feel about it all, but think of it as a night to get all dressed up and go out on the town."

"Only if the guys are going too." She bartered.

"Deal." He answered with a chuckle, happy to hear she would at least do it for him.

"When is it again?" She asked as she brushed Bandit down.

"Next Thursday." He answered, and she sighed.

"So the last day of school. I guess I have a few days to find something to wear. All of my formal wear is in Tacoma." She told him as she stepped out of Bandit's stable as he was doing the same with Hera.

"Leave that to me." He responded with a wag of his eyebrows, getting her to laugh.

"You better not put me in something scandalous." She said as they walked out of the barn.

"But what fun would that be?" He asked. His younger sister Hannah came out the sliding door, who was now twenty-one and a junior in college at Michigan State.

"Hey, you two lovebirds want some dinner? Ma's buying pizza." She told them, and they laughed.

"Sure Han, tell her we're in." Nash told her, and they made their way inside.


"Alright class, I hope you all have a wonderful break. Your teacher doesn't have anything assigned except to work on your projects, so take this time to really make them the best they can be." Ms. Reed told them just as the bell was getting ready to ring. It was a half day for the last day of school before break, and the students were ready to be done with their final class.

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