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meliorism (n.) - the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world

After a crazy weekend of moving around, Nash and Detective Carter got her moved into a safehouse that was just outside of the main city, but still closer than Ellensburg. They had been informed that Henry Fox's trial date was moved closer, so she was hoping that she would see him behind bars next week. After that, she had plans to head home and get away, since they would be taking a break for the up and coming holidays, and so other players could get the chance to go overseas. She had the opportunity to do so as well, but she needed to take a step back from the game and take a well needed break from life.

"Alright, Like I said, we'll have an officer in the vicinity at all times and we've got him on an ankle monitor. You should be safe." He told her as they finished up. "There's food in the fridge for you, you'll be given the phone number for whoever is on shift, but it'll typically be between the two numbers I've already given you. I need you to make sure you call whoever is on shift if you're having anyone over, otherwise they have the go ahead to investigate the house."

"Thank you for everything Detective Carter." She told him, shaking his hand as he went out the door. Benstiti told her to take the day to settle in and they would see her tomorrow, and she was thankful to have one more day.

"The MLS has the week off, so I am all yours until next Sunday." He told her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Good, because it'll be nice to have my own personal bodyguard." She responded, pressing her lips against his.

"And that means I can come on Saturday." He added, and she smiled.

"That would be amazing. I feel like it's been forever since we've been able to spend this long together." She told him as they took a seat on the couch, Nash holding her in his arms.

"It's been too long, and we happen to be getting married in eight months." He responded with a sigh. "I can't wait until the day I get to call you Mrs. Adams."

"I can't wait until that day either. So we're set on the barn, right?" She asked.

"Yes, my dad said he'd help build a dance platform, it gives him something to do." He answered. "Did you find your dress yet?"

"Not yet, I was hoping to head back to Michigan so Dana and Nicole could come with me." She responded as she got up, heading over to the kitchen. "I wonder if there's any wine anywhere." She muttered as she took a look in the fridge.

"Well let's see we have the venue set, catering and the DJ booked, the honeymoon is set, save the dates have been sent. What else are we missing?" He listed off as she poured two glasses of chardonnay that she found in the bottom drawer of the fridge. She brought the fairly full glasses back over and sat down, handing one out to him. He took it and they clinked glasses before taking a sip of their wine.

"Colors? Theme?" She responded with a laugh.

"Oh, yeah, that might help. But I think we have time for that." He chuckled, taking another sip of his wine. "However, do you have any ideas?"

"I had an idea for colors, and I have a feeling our theme is going to be fairly rustic anyway." She responded, pulling up Pinterest on her phone, which had been their lifesaver throughout this entire process. She found the palette of colors she saw and fell in love with a few days ago, before shit hit the fan, and showed it to him, and he nodded.

"I didn't even picture those three colors together, but they go really well. I love it." He said with a smile, looking at the mixture of a deep merlot, navy, and mustard yellow.

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