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caim (n.) - "sanctuary"; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in your darkest times

"So he's been stalking you for weeks?" Sofia asked as she set down a mug of coffee in front of her and one for Nash as well.

"Apparently he was following my every move. They still have no idea why." Samantha told them as she sipped at the coffee in front of her. "Hopefully they keep this under wraps though. If the press gets wind of what happened they'll be all over me." She continued. She was still rattled about the whole morning, and coffee was not going to help anything. However, she did not want it to seem as if she were ungrateful for Sofia being so considerate.

"Well we're all glad you're alright. Just think, it could have been worse." Bethany added on, and they all agreed. "So, how long are you out for?" She asked, trying to get their minds off it, even though the subject matter was not any better.

"At least a week for the stitches to heal and get taken out. Luckily I only rolled my ankle so that should be better in a couple days. I'll be good to go next week." She informed, taking another sip of her coffee. "I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit."

"Do what you gotta do girl." Sofia said without any hesitation.

"Let me help you." Nash told her softly, knowing her room was upstairs.

"I'm fine, Nash." She grunted back with a sharp tone in her voice. However, she did end up needing his help once they got about halfway up the stairs, and she felt awful for snapping at him. When they got to the top, Nash swept her off her feet and took the liberty of carrying her to her room.

"You're not fine, and you don't need to pretend you are. You went through something traumatic this morning, and no one should be fine after they are stabbed in the back by a stalker they had no idea existed." He told her once he closed the door and set her down on the bed, his voice just as sharp, but he had meant it.

"But I am fine. He didn't do anything, it's a flesh wound, it'll heal." She responded, and he just shook her head.

"So what happens when you're out for a run and a random stranger just comes up behind you? Are you going to defend yourself against someone who is no threat to you? I'm not worried about you physically Samantha, I'm worried about your mental state." He explained, and she knew he was serious because he never called her by her full name - no one did. She did not respond to this, for she was not really sure what her answer would be. She pulled her knees up to her chest and focused on the bed instead. She heard him sigh and the weight on the bed shifted, and he took her into his arms, sitting beside her. She collapsed in his arms, her head resting on his chest as he laid them down so she could try and sleep. She listened to the beating of his heart, and it seemed to calm her enough to lull her to sleep, but he just sat and watched her.

He hoped that this would not lead to a spiral. She had been through enough trauma in her twenty-three years to last a lifetime, from her mother's death in a car accident, in which she was in the car, the assault she endured, her father's years of torment to eventual abuse, tearing her ACL in the worst way possible, and now being stalked and almost murdered by some random stranger. He would never be able to understand what she had bore over the last eight years, but he wanted to make sure she was going to be alright after he left to head back to Orlando in a few days. She always put on a brave face, he knew that, but he sometimes never knew where her mind disappeared to. She was the light in his life, and he just hoped that light did not become darkness.

He was awoken an hour later when he felt Samantha fidgeting beside him. He had not realized he had fallen asleep, but was glad it was a light sleep. She was mumbling something, her face scrunched up. He could tell that she was having a nightmare, and before he could wake her up, her eyes shot wide open, her breathing was ragged, and sweat beads had broken out on her forehead. He instantly tried to calm her down, and she broke down into tears. There had only been a few occasions when he had ever seen Samantha Reed cry - and it was always when she felt she was at her lowest point or had nowhere to go.

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