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[ Wow hello! I hope you all have been doing wonderful the last month. I apologize for not updating at all, but I hope to start getting back on track now that my seasonal job is coming to an end. Patience is key! Thank you for sticking with me. Enjoy! ]

seclouth (adj.) - unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

Their weekend came to an end a few days later, when they were all packing up to head back to Harbor Beach on Monday. They started their senior year tomorrow, and they were all excited, even though it was bittersweet. She packed up her tent and what remained of the coolers she brought, and thankfully left with less than what she came with. She did not want to head back into reality, for that meant she had to go home to her father. That was something she was not looking forward to.

She was one of the last ones out of the campsite, making sure everything was cleaned up and in order so they did not get fined. She left the site around five that evening, and took the longest way possible to get back to Harbor Beach. She pulled into her driveway at seven that evening, for she was hungry and tired of driving. She left most of it in her car, taking what she needed in her backpack and deciding to unpack tomorrow after school, for they had a half day but their practice was still at normal time as it would be after class. For the last couple weeks they had had early practices, but now that they had school starting at eight, they would not have practice until three-thirty.

She entered her house as quietly as possible so she would not alert her father that she was home. She made it upstairs without any problems and locked her door behind her. She released a breath she did not know she was holding, and set her backpack down beside her bed. She needed a shower, for she had held off since she knew she was going to be home that evening. Her bedroom had an attached bathroom, so she went ahead and went to start the water. She looked at herself in the mirror, and she looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes giving it away. She took her hair down and stripped of her clothes, finding the large now deep purple bruise on her abdomen. There was another one on the other side, but it was a light yellow, almost healed and barely noticeable.

Her shower lasted longer than she intended, but it was worth it, for she felt completely refreshed afterward. She dressed for bed and made sure all her stuff for school tomorrow was in order. She intended on dressing somewhat nice tomorrow, since it was the first day, but she did not want to make the best first impression, for she just wanted to be there for the year and be done with it. She found herself in bed and passed out around nine-thirty, and she had some of the best sleep she had had in a while.

She woke to the sound of her alarm blaring, and she shut it off, not bothering to hit the snooze button. She looked at the time and saw it was quarter to seven. She plugged her flat iron in and turned it on, and while she waited for it to heat up, she did her makeup. She did light makeup with some mascara, then straightened her hair. She went to her closet and found a white cropped t-shirt, a bleach washed denim jacket, a pair of white and black almost plaid pants, and a pair of black ankle boots. She had not dressed this sophisticated in a long time, and it felt good to look good.

She grabbed her keys and backpack and went downstairs, her father already gone for work, which eased her tension slightly. She grabbed a snack just in case, since she did not eat breakfast, and headed out the door. She had twenty minutes until her first hour started, and she had a ten minute drive ahead of her, but she did not mind, for it gave her time to park and find her classes. She found a decent spot and parked, the students already walking in and out of the school. She pulled her schedule up on her phone and walked around. She did not need her locker, she figured she would never need it since they could carry their backpacks around the school, and she could keep her soccer bag in her car for the day. She found her first class quite easily, and it was her AP Literature and Composition class. She found an empty seat, but did not know anyone, and it overwhelmed her, even though the class was not extremely large. She was an easygoing person, but she felt singled out. The teacher came in right as the bell rang, and the class seemingly quieted down. Samantha was drawn to how young she looked, for she only had to be in her mid-twenties. Her short brown hair was down and her brown eyes were covered by glasses. She wore a pair of black heels with dark brown, tan, and black small plaid printed trousers with a black shirt, and the light brown jacket she had paired with it was hanging on the back of her chair. Their eyes locked and the teacher gave her a smile, both of them recognizing they had the same vibe going on.

VIRAGOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें