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sulit (adj.) - something that is worth it

Samantha had woken as early as she could muster so she could make sure she was up for her brother. She made sure to be fairly quiet, not hearing the soft humming or the smell of coffee filling the air. She had looked at her phone and saw the text saying that he was on his way, and that was almost two hours ago, and he would be there any time. She felt better today, not like the entire world was going to come crashing down on her. Her body was not in much physical pain, but mentally she was still recovering from the entire ordeal of the last couple months.

As if his ears were ringing, she heard tires on the pavement outside and a car engine turn off. She took a peek out the window, and saw Jason and Nicole getting out of his car and walking towards the front door. She opened it before they could knock, shutting it softly behind her before she ran into her brother's arms.

"God is it good to see you." She said into his shoulder, and he squeezed her a little tighter. "Okay ow." She complained.

"Sorry Sammy, I just, after everything you told me last night." He rambled on, but she hugged him once again to shut him up.

"I know." She said softly. "Um, Dana is still sleeping, but you guys can come in." She told them, and they followed her inside. The cats greeted them all, which told her that her roommate was awake, but she had no idea how presentable she was.

"Nice place." Nicole commented.

"Yeah, she's nice enough to let me stay with her right now and I'm super grateful." She responded. "Coffee?"

"If you're making it sure." Jason said, and they all gave a chuckle. She heard the stairs creak and grabbed a fourth mug for her. When she emerged she was already dressed and ready for their day, and Jason seemed to be in shock when he saw that Dana was older than she was.

"Good morning." She greeted with a smile, filling the cat dishes with food.

"Dana, this is my brother Jason and his girlfriend Nicole." Samantha introduced as she started to hand out coffee mugs to them.

"Nice to meet you." Jason said, shaking her hand. Nicole followed his lead, and he looked at his sister. "How did you two meet?" He asked, trying to piece things together.

"She's actually my english teacher. She found out what I was going through and took me in for the time being." She responded, and he nodded.

"Well thank you for listening when I couldn't. I can't thank you enough." Jason said to her, and her teacher smiled.

"She needed someone in her corner, and I wanted to be it." She responded.

"So how are we going about this?" Nicole asked curiously.

"We should go to the Harbor Beach police station, make a report, and go from there." Dana said, Jason nodding in agreement. They took some more time to drink their coffee before all piling into his car and heading back to Harbor Beach. She was finally going to start taking control of her life once again. They walked into the police station, the officer at the desk looking up at them.

"Good morning, how can I help you folks?" He asked them.

"I need to report an abuse situation." She said, stumbling over her words.

"Alright, why don't we go to a private area and I'll get a detective to sit down with you." He responded, and she nodded. Dana had sent her the pictures from the house, so she had everything she needed evidence wise, so she did this part alone. She followed the officer deeper into the police station, and they walked into what seemed like another wing of the police department, and there were a few men in suits sitting through paperwork. She followed him into a lounge-like common room which she assumed was where they did interviews with victims. "I'll get you some water, and a detective will be right with you." He told her.

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