613 17 2

I was sitting at the astronomy tower, watching the stars. I felt the cold breeze brushing through my face as I waited, waited for her.

Last night was a complete utter success in my eyes, the smile on her face, the comfort that had grew between us.

Dumbledore had told me to keep and eye on her, to make sure that she was okey- but, okey from what? I was one hundred percent sure that this had to do with the sudden blackout in the classroom that had been followed by awed screams.

I had actually been watching her from the day that dumbledore had asked me. She seemed a lot less than bad, but she defiantly did a damn well job on hiding it.

At first I thought that- that idiotic brother of hers and his sidekicks would check up on her, they didn't. Everyday she would appear even worse, more tired, less happy.

So that put me into question. What was wrong?

Today I was planning on finding out, finding out what was wrong, What had been wrong all along.

I heard the small sound of her footsteps, she was close.

My head automatically snapped towards her direction. Merlin! She was beautiful.

She was wearing sweats and hoodie, her hair had been left untouched.

She stared at me, her eyes were questioning.

"Come here I don't bite" i snarled with a smirk on my face, she laughed merely. And even her laugh made something twist inside of me.

"How do I know?" Her voice came small, her tone was teasing.

"Guess you'll have to trust me"  I sent her smile as I watched her walking towards me. She sat besides me, her legs crossed and her big hazel eyes were wandering  around the night sky. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes it is!" She retorted. Her voice seemed as she was absorbed by the beauty of the stars.

I couldn't help but stare, stare at her eyes, her lips, her genius smile as she stargazed.

"How have you been?" I finally asked, hope was the only thing I trusted at that moment, hope. I hoped she would tell me.

"Well not much actually, I hadn't had a lot of time this morning" she sighted as I watched the sparkle in her eyes fade slightly.

"No I mean- I mean before the dance. How school has been since the very beginning" I hoped she would take the hint and answered.

She sighted.

"Good" she answered stiffly.

"Just good? Not amazing, not awful? Just good? Are you sure that everything is good?" I continued the questioning.


He must have been joking. Did he think that I was that stupid? 'Oh hey Avelline is everything okey? Are you sure you haven't lost your mind?'

I was tired of the same interrogation by every single person I'd encounter. It wasn't crazy, well maybe I was but that's not an excuse to wasting my time with the same stupid questions every time someone saw me.

I promised myself that I would stop thinking about this subject but yet again there were already two people that had brought it up.

"Draco i said it was good and that's it, now stop looking at me like That"

"Like what?" I still hadn't met with his eyes, I simply couldn't bring myself to look his in the eye and lie to him. Especially when he showed such concern.

"Like I'm some loony who needs pitying" I snapped at him. He didn't deserve it, he was just being nice. I knew how hard this would be for him but I couldn't restrain myself from breaking out and saying what I had been thinking.

"Well I don't know about the others but I don't think you're crazy, quite the opposite actually. You're smart and you see between the lines" I quickly snapped my head to meet his handsome eyes as the words left him mouth "I just want to know what's going on, because you don't seem like yourself, that's all"

Then silence. Silence that was far louder than what Id prefer or he'd prefer if that mattered.

"I'm good Draco, I really am" that- that wasn't a lie.

The moment that I had decided to drop the subject I felt an unfamiliar feeling of relief taking over the guilt and the stress that I had encountered the last few months.

He must had noticed the truthfulness in my words cause he didn't linger around anymore he just merely grabbed my hand as we stargazed together.

Most people would think that it had been awkward, but it wasn't, it was far from awkward. I felt comfortable with him and I believed the feeling was mutual.


I had one job, I had one fucking his and it was to learn what was happening to her. I didn't do it.

She said she was fine though, maybe she actually is, maybe dumbledore is being paranoid.

It wouldn't surprise me for a guy his age!

I paced through the corridors and only stop to the sight of the golden statue. I entered the room, it hadn't change at all- obviously.

Everything was the same - the same dusty, old room with the same ancient books that were suffocating from the dust.

"Draco! Anything you have to say my boy" Dumbledore's voice invited me in his office.

No! I hadn't. What should I say?

"Uhmm not really... I just came to tell you that" I paused, he would think I'm an idiot- but again why would I care what an old man thinks of me "I think you're mistaken sir, nothing is wrong"

"Oh Draco" he chuckled "what did she told you?"

How did he know? Is it true then, he does have eyes everywhere.

"That's she's fine and there's nothing to worry about and I believe it, so if you'll excuse me I must go" my voice was hinting more and more my anger by the minutiae and Dumbledore was looking at me like he was my phycologists, like he was studying me.

"Draco! Cam I tell you a story?"

"I don't have time- I must be on po-"

"Professor snape will excuse you for today"

Perfect, no way out of this old's man's office. What was now?

"There was a boy Draco, he was just like every other student. But not quite.
He wa-"

"If you're gonna tell me toms riddles's story I know it" I scowled 'kindly'

"Then you probably know how dangerous he is"

What was he trying to say? Did Avelline had business with the dark lord. No! She could never. He would kill her before she'd step foot near him.

He was indeed dangerous but- you know something this is just bullshit.

"I cannot deal with this sir, she is fine I believe her. I sorry but I cannot continue"

And I left, I didn't even look back before I left.

A/n: alright new chapter. Year four is soon to be finished there is a couple of more chapters.

Oh don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! anyway hope you have a great day gorgeous

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