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Weeks later

It was late afternoon the cold breeze hitting my face sending shivers down my spine,the sun starting to disappear,the moon started shining, the lake was incredibly calming.

I was seating on the ground my leaning behind against a thick trunk. I opened my book started reading. I was desperate for this. I was desperate to relax to be away from anyone.

I had earlier gone to the library to find a book to answer my questions. The dreams started getting even more frequent sometimes I would even day dream about the same graveyard.

The twizard tournament champions would be announced tomorrow. Cedric had put his name in it.

I tried to convince him otherwise he didn't listen. I was worried. I was worried for my friend.

Draco and I started talking way more I opened up to him. I think it's safe for me to say that he is my best friend. He continued trying to convince me that Cedric was just flirting I ignored him.

I was so absorbed in my book that I hadn't realized that someone had been watching me.

"Nice place isn't it?" The platinum boy sighted causing my attention turn to him.

"Draco you scared me" I let out a sight of relief "sorry do you mind?" He asked pointing on the ground waiting for me to allow him to sea with me. I continued looking at my book

I nodded "what are you reading" I finally turned my gaze to him. Was he always so attractive?.

His blonde hair lazily falling on his forehead his blue eyes pierced into mine his pale skin. He was truly perfect.

I felt my lips curling into a smile without my permission.

"What?" The boy asked "nothing" I answered "what are you on?" He questioned "nothing" I repeated letting out a chuckle.

I closed my book and placed it on the ground besides me I turned my gaze to the lake admiring the beautiful landscape.

"It's truly magical" I exclaimed. The blonde glanced at me like he was trying to read my mind

"coming here makes me think and sort out my worries" I admitted.

"It's like my hiding spot away from everyone and everything" I continued.

"Are you alright?" He questioned with a worried expression.

"I- I don't know" I admitted.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows as he questioned me with his eyes.

"It's nothing" I stutter as I felt the cold becoming even more aggressive "you cold?"

I nodded he then quickly took out his jacket and wrapped it around me "Draco you don't ha-" I assured him "I know" he sighted.

Another couple of minutiae went by we joked with each other and talked about school and everything.

I felt relieved. My problems had disappeared.

Until it was time to go back. We walked inside of hogwards together still chatting.

I went back to my dorm and later on the bed and that's when I finally realized that I like Draco Malfoy.

I mean what not to like about him. He was kind and caring and a good listener at least when he was with me.

He was also incredibly handsome. He sometimes can be controlling and a jerk but if you get to know the inside a whole new personality is revealed.


"Here!" Daphne pointed at the empty bench

"I'm nervous" I mumbled staring intensely at Cedric. He just gave me a half smile trying to wipe of the worry from his face.

Dumbledore announced the champions from the two schools.

Flair Delacur and Viktor Krum

"And the hogwards champion is..." Dumbledore started "Cedric Diggory" he announced.

Everyone eyed Cedric. His friends patting him on his back while having those stupid smirks on their faces.

He stood besides Viktor Krum and I gave him a smile.

"Alright now that the champions are select-"

Dumbledore was cut of by the silent noise that was coming from the cup. The fire looking like it was going to explode. Blue light had flooded the great hall and everyone didn't dare to look elsewhere when another small paper erupted out of the goblet landing on Dumbledores hand.

"Harry Potter" he said quietly searching around for the chosen one.

My head shot up giving Harry the deadliest glare I have ever given.

The boy wa stage center of attention he looked just as confused as everyone else. He was petrified. He didnt move, he didn't speak, he was just sitting there.

"HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore repeated louder.

Harry looked around searching for his friends gaze "Merlin Harry go" Hermione pushed Harry towards the other champions.

While Harry was on his way to the goblet the great hall was abuzz with murmurs and whispers.

"Not fair"

"He's cheating"


"He is not even seventeen yet"

That's just a couple of the comments that Harry had been told.


The ceremony had come to an end everyone left the hall but I just stood there.

The champions had gone somewhere with the professors I didn't quite hear why.

"Avelline you alright" Aurora questioned "he really put his name to the cup didn't he?" A calming soft voice left my lips.

"Aurora please tell me he didn't put his name in the cup?" I almost shouted my glossy eyes meeting hers.

"Oh Avelline" she sighted as she took me into her embrace.

"Let's go" she urged me to stand up.

We walked out of the great hall Harry had just came out of Dumbledores office.

I wanted to wrap my arms around his and tell him that everything gonna be okey and ask him why exactly he put his name in the cup.

But I stayed strong I push this feelings aside as I approached him angrily.

"You serious?" I asked aggressively "no- don't even answer that" I continued "you put your name in the cup without telling anyone" I let him know the weight of what he did.

"Avelline you can't believe I put my name in the cup" he questioned almost hurt.

I felt bad, I felt like I was a awful person for lecturing him in a time like this but I needed answers I needed him to know that I was hurt too.

My brother entered a tournament that is known as one of the hardest most dangerous one in the wizard if world.

And didn't even mind to talk to me about it.

"I don't know what to believe" I trailed off "just go back to your dorm NOW" I ordered "we are gonna talk about this tomorrow" I informed him.

Sorry for this short chapter but homework really started getting to my nerves I'm two assignments behind and teachers continue giving countless homework.

Anyway I think my anxiety is welll to be handled I hope y'all have a great day :)

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