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I felt a presence, a still presence standing besides me. I expected to be on the floor, the thing sucking every bit of happiness and joy out of my body but surprisingly that didn't happen.

I slowly open my eyes knowing that I was in some place safe. It was dark, no light, the presence was holding me, preventing me from collapsing onto the floor again.

"Lumos" a high pitch, boyish voice whispered. The tip of his wand grew lighter revealing his face before me.

He drew his wand closer to my face, probably checking if I was still unconscious.

"Hey do you mind taking that away from my face?" I whispered frustrated.

"Yeah you're welcome" he whined.

"Where am I?" I ignored cockiness.

"In the bathroom, isn't that obvious?" He retorted irritated.

"Why? What happened?" I continued questioning the situation.

"You're little trouble finder self decided that it would be smart to wander around the corridors while dementors were in the train" he responded haughtily, like he saved me.

Actually screw that, he did save me but it was basic human decency. I would have take him out of that place too, so nothing really to brag about.

I bet for him, what he did was heroic. Laughable really, he lack of human decency so much that he probably though I owned him now.

Or maybe I did? I didn't really know a lot about dementors, so he might actually have saved me from death. They definitely looked like they could cause death.

I wanted to ask what those creatures were? What dementors were. He would probably think that whatever name he called me was true.

"Um what's a dementors?" Why would you ask that?

I sighted swallowing my pride in the progress. I don't think he would mock me, I mean it's just a question.

He let out an aggressive huff
"You see Potter. Those creepy, nasty things out there were dementors, they can be very deadly. So you can say I just saved your life" he smirked.

"Yeah okey" i scowled. "Well thank you for your heroism but I have to go"

"Yeah you should go, your scar- faced brother will be very worried" he mocked.

"Stop with that tone, it does not suit you"

"What does that suppose to mean?" His articulations formed a face filled with curiosity and disgust.

"In basic English it means to stop being a bitch" I rolled my eyes at the ominous boy.

"Yeah as if" he said as he left the room.

I waited for a moment before I left the small room. Everything seemed to be back to normal, although the shock on students faces were still very distinct.

I was on my way back to my corridor when I bumped to a hard, sturdy chest.

"Bloody hell Avelline!" Ron's signature surprised voice said. "We were so worried, the girls said you had left"

I wasn't really paying attention to the ginger, I was more intrigued to what had happened to Harry.

I mean I'm sure he would go around searching for information as well.

"Is Harry okey?" I finally asked

"Well you could say that" he lowered his head trying to seem calm.

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