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Loki's POV
I read the rest of the book quickly, I was eager to try my new magic. I flipped through pages and pages and closed the book till I understood the lesson correctly.

Alright, let's try this out.

I got out of the chair and sat on the floor looking out of my window. I looked outside of the palace out to Asgard, the way it looked everyday, green hills, sun shining, and everything peaceful.

I put my hands outward facing up as I closed my eyes.


I took a breath and imagined myself in New York. The loud cities and crowded streets. Honking cars, loud voices.


I took another breath, and this time, I did it. I was in New York City. I was there! People didn't see me but I saw them. I was an invisible image of myself. I wasn't looking out at Asgard, I was looking down Wall Street.

This is how I am going to rule Midgard. This is how I can make father proud.

Back to Reys POV
New York City. Loud, crowded, and weird. Cars honking on the road, a lot people in the streets. I noticed many things that were different from Xandar. The people were dressed differently, less sophitianley, and more lazy like, and had no manners whatsoever. Some person bumped into me and didn't even say excuse me he just said "move it", as if it was my fault he bumped into me. The buildings were different too, tall and rectangular, while the buildings in Xandar were differently shaped and unique in their own way. The weather was nice though. The one thing I actually enjoyed. The sun was out, but clouds surrounded it. Chilly, but nice.

Different smells passed by as I walked, cigarettes, gas from cars, and sometimes even urine. But whenever I passed by a bakery or restaurant, the warmth of food welcomed me to the Big Apple.

I've remembered many things from Earth before I was sent to Xandar. The clothing and the lifestyle of these people seemed familiar to me. Being here refreshed many of my memories when I was younger and still living on this planet.

Riding bikes down the street with Maya following, we rode through the park racing each other. We'd  zoom through people, calling out warnings before we passed them over. We'd ride to the bakery and have breakfast there. Warm pastries on display as we chose 4 different delicacies and exchanged them to try different flavors. Spending the whole day in the city from morning to sundown. I'd go down the main road, Maya would go south. I'd lean my bike against the wall of our small home, and opened the door to see my father working.

I stopped myself before I went too far. He's not your father. He is dead. Forget about him.


The council has arranged an apartment for my stay. When it turned to night time, I walked over to the place I would call home.

The building was small, holding about 10 homes. The walls on the outside were an old brown, the paint already chipping. I walked up the stairs to my room. I put in the key, opened the door and thought "luxurious".

The room was small, a couch on the left side with a small coffee table in front. A kitchen in the back, with a counter and microwave. The old walls were a color of beige. I walked down the right hall and saw a small bathroom, and the bedroom beside it. A full sized bed with a nightstand beside it, with light grey walls. I did understand why the council gave me a small apartment, to not seem suspicious, but I think they could've done better than this. But I was still very thankful for their gift.

I put my bag down, went to the phone and ordered a pizza. While I waited I put sheets on the bed mattress, tried cleaning a little, making my new home feel like home.

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