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My eyes struggled to open, they felt heavy. One by one they opened and everything around me seemed blurry. My head hurt a lot, not pounding, but it hurt.

I couldn't move very well, I tried moving but immediately crashed down, back onto the bed. I seethed a breath of pain, as pain shot out all over.

"No, don't move. You're okay" said a voice with a handsome accent. I was a bit startled, for I didn't even know there was someone else in the room, but relaxed when I realized whose voice it was.

I looked to my right, and saw the blue eyes I've been wanting to see


"Hello my love" he said with teary eyes. He was sitting on a chair beside my bed, holding my hand in both of his.

"Hi" I said, managing a smile. My throat still hurt, but I was talking much better.

I then remembered what had happened. I was taken by Thanos and tortured. I grabbed a hold of the fact that Loki was not dead, he was right there next to me. He saved me.

"Oh my dear I'm so sorry" he said murmuring in our interlocked hands. The tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Sorry? For what?" I asked.

"I shouldn't have left you in the first place. I should have stayed with you. If I did, Thanos wouldn't have ..." he didn't finish. He couldn't. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Oh Loki" I said, putting my hand to his cheek.

"Don't apologize. It was no one's fault. No one is to blame other than that purple psycho" I said smiling. He gave a small laugh.

"I won't allow you to take the blame. You saved me, again, and I am forever grateful" I said.

He put a hand on top of mine, which was still on his cheek, and caressed the back of it. We pulled each other towards one another, and touched heads, taking in the moment that we had with our love, once and for all to stay.


We both rested for a while, with our heads together and our hands connected. We didn't let each other go.

Once I had woken up, I looked around and noticed my surroundings. I wasn't in Loki's room. It looked more of a hospital room but with multiple rows of empty beds. With medical carts and a large window ahead. I was so focused on Loki, I didn't even realize where I was.

Once Loki had awakened, he explained that Odin had noticed him and Thor gone and discovered what they had gone to do. They told him the truth and Loki confessed his love for me to the Allfather. He allowed for me to heal in the healing room, but would have to discuss matters once I was better.

I was glad we weren't kept secret anymore, but hopefully I was able to stay on Asgard.

After a while, Loki grabbed and fished something out from his pocket. He pulled out the blue jaded necklace that was left behind in his room.

I smiled widely as he put it around my neck, to stay and to never leave again.

"Would you like for me to get your sleeve?" he asked.

I had forgotten all about my scar. When I took it off when we fought before.

"No," I said, as I looked into his eyes.

"You don't?" he asked, confused.

"No Loki. It's not as important" I said. "my scar may be a flaw I will forever hold, but I should own it, it is a part of me, and it is mine".

He grinned.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said.

"No, I'm sorry for ever looking, it wasn't my business" he said, holding my hand.

I realized how lucky I was. How amazing it was to love Loki and him to love me. I couldn't imagine a better life. I loved him with all of me. My beautiful Loki. Amazingly, kind and mischievous, and charming. There was no one and nothing better. I wanted to make my life forever his and build my dreams around him. I couldn't think of anyone better to share my love with.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked, grinning down at me.

"I love you" I said, ignoring the question.

"I love you too" he said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now