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I stayed confused and nervous on the bed. Thor saw me with Loki in his room. Would he find out?

I got out of the bed and quickly changed. I put on some dark grey pants that were a little bigger and baggy, they were Loki's but he let me borrow them. I never had a girly style in Xandar, even in my past life that I could remember, it just didn't seem to be my kind of thing. I threw on a white t-shirt and put my hair in a messy bun.

Women in Asgard usually wore pretty dresses and jewels, other than those that trained. But I didn't, I stayed in a room every day, so I didn't have to dress to impress. Well, maybe I wanted to impress someone just a little, I thought smiling to myself.

Then the door opened with Loki and Thor coming inside. Loki looked very worried while Thor was smiling at me.

"Rey this is Thor my brother, Thor this is-" Loki started to say but Thor cut him off by grabbing my hand and kissing it on the back.

"It's my pleasure Lady Rey," he said looking up at me.

I had to admit it made me blush a little bit, no one has ever kissed my hand. Loki just rolled his eyes.

"Umm well thank you Thor, it's nice to meet you" I said, giving a smile. I looked at Loki and raised an eyebrow. Does he know?

"Rey, I told Thor everything" he said


"Yes he has, and don't you worry, I won't tell a soul that you are staying here" he said.

"That's really reassuring, thank you," I said back.

"Now, I must be off, I have training and the Allfather has wanted to discuss with me. I shall see you two soon" he said as he left the room.

I went up to Loki.

"What exactly did you tell him?" I asked him.

"I told him everything except you father, immortality, your blood and scar" he said, mentioning the sleeve on my arm.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, now Thor knows I'm staying in Asgard without permission. Great.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now