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It's been like that the whole week after. Every morning, we'd wake up with love, and every night we would crave each other. We hated being apart, being in love had made us want to be together every second of our day.

We were very in love, and very fond of each other. He was on my mind every single second of every day. I couldn't even imagine not being with him.

It was later in the morning on the 8th day of us as a couple. Loki had to discuss an urgent matter with Odin so he had to get ready earlier than usual, but he was already a bit late.

I watched him get dressed as I layed on the bed, looking at him in jealousy that I couldn't have him for the day.

I sat upright on the bed with my hair down and messy, with an oversized shirt over my body.

As soon as Loki finished putting on his boots he made his way to me.

"I promise I will be back at night. I have a full schedule today so Thor will have to bring your meals" he said as he sat down next to me and put a hand to my cheek.

I leaned my forehead on his, "It's alright, I just don't know if I could wait till night time" I said, giving a mischievous smile looking into his eyes. He returned it.

"How am I going to live throughout this day without this beauty with me?" He said, leaving a kiss on my lips.

"Hey, did you know I can hold the world in my hands?" I said biting my bottom lip.

"That's impossible," he said, testing me.

I brought both my hands and cupped his cheeks, giggling softly.

He noticeably blushed.

"You are making it much harder for me to leave" he said grabbing both of my hands and leaving multiple kisses on them.

I laughed in response.

"I love you" I said, bringing us back to reality.

He brought his attention back to my eyes and brought his lips to mine, leaving a passionate long kiss.

"I love you too," he whispered.

He quickly left multiple kisses all over my face and stood to leave.

"Hurry back" I called over before he left.

"Always" he said before leaving the room.

I layed back down on the bed with a big smile on my face.

Loki's POV
As I walked to Odin's throne, I couldn't stop thinking about Rey. I practically danced my way over there for the joy that was in my heart.

I was madly in love with her. I couldn't even get my mind off of her, she was gorgeously beautiful, waking up to her in my arms was an amazing feeling. She was so perfect, so amazingly perfect, there couldn't be anyone more perfect than her.

I didn't want to leave her side at all. She brought a better side to me and I felt a lot more content when I was with her.

As I turned a corner, I almost ran into Thor.

"Woah, brother ... you alright?" He asked.

"Perfect, why?" I asked.

"Because I've never seen you smile so much before" he said with a slightly confused laugh.

I then realized I've been smiling ever since I left my room. Well, Rey's and my room.

"Sorry brother," I said trying to minimize my smiles to a slight grin.

"What is going on Loki, you never act this way" he said, raising an eyebrow.

Well, he was going to find out someday, "I'm in love" I said simply.

"Really? You?" He asked, getting a bit excited.

I looked down quite shyly but still smiling.

"With Lady Rey?" He asked.

"Yes, I told her on the night of the dance, she felt the same way and we couldn't leave each other's side since" I said looking off into the distance thinking about that night. That unforgettable night.

"I'm happy for you brother" he said, dropping his hard hand on my shoulder.

"So, I suppose you will be telling her of you seeing her scar?" He quietly asked.

Oh her scar. I completely forgot. She still didn't know I saw it. Her deep secret and I discovered it.

"I'm not sure, I still don't think it's good timing," I said.

"Loki, it's never good timing unless you tell her" he said.

"Why do you want me to tell her so badly?" I said as my face dropped.

"I know Rey is a great person,every time I bring her meals, she's always great company to be with. If you're going to keep being quiet, you're only going to be hurting her more and more. And I know you don't want to see her that way" he explained.

He did have a point, I knew I had to tell her someday but I didn't want to. We were so happy and in love at the moment, I didn't want to ruin it.

"I'll find a good time to tell her," I said, starting to walk away.

"Loki - ," he started to say but I softly cut him off.

"I told you, I'll find a good time," I said once more, and left my brother in the middle of the hall.

Back to Reys POV
It was later in the afternoon and I was already missing Loki.

I've never felt this way before, I've never been in love. Never had a boyfriend or been in a relationship. Now being with Loki, everything fell into place. We were meant to be together, it all made sense.

I was still wearing the big shirt, but slipped on some baggy olive green pants and stayed barefooted. I didn't even bother combing my crazy hair.

I didn't get any breakfast, after Loki left I slept a little longer but I was starving. And right on cue, Thor came into the room with our meals. I convinced him to have meals together when Loki and I couldn't. I liked the company sometimes.

"Someone hungry?" He said jokingly as he walked into the room.

"Starving," I said.

We both ate talking about our days. He told me more battle stories with the Warriors Three, Sif, and himself. I always enjoyed those.

Once we were finished eating, we enjoyingly drank a little more wine.

"So, Loki has told me that you are  both together and very in love," he said, enjoying himself, stretching out the very.

I blushed.

"We are actually, and I cannot tell you how joyous I am around him" I said.

"You love him a lot, don't you?" He asked, taking another sip of wine.

"Yes, there really is no explanation" I said blushing.

He nodded. I took another sip.

"Rey, there's something I must tell you," he started to say.


"I wanted to wait till after we ate, and I think it's best for you to know now," he explained.

I set down my glass on the floor concerned.

"What happened?"

He sighed, "Loki has already seen your scar".

My heart stopped and I froze.

"He has been lying to you"

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now