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I made my way over to the tall mirror next to the desk and sat down on the floor. I grabbed the brush from the desk and started combing my hair. I didn't do anything special, just parted it on the right, bringing all the excess hair to my left.

I didn't have any makeup nor did I want any. I have never worn makeup in my life, that I could remember. I didn't need any product on my face to make me look beautiful, I thought I looked good enough already. I left my face productless, other than putting lotion on my face and all over my body.

The bruises on my face have gone away. It was only just a little sore, but other than that there were no more black eyes,bruised jaw, or hurt ribs.

I didn't really have anything else to get ready for, so I went over to the wardrobe. To the dress.

I looked at it once again. I thought it was the most beautiful dress ever. Obviously there were more elegant ones, but this one was simple and was my kind of style. Loki made a great choice.

I have never once worn a dress before, in the life that I could remember, I never wore one. I removed the dress from the wardrobe and tried putting it on. I was a bit confused on how to put it at first but then understood. I zipped up the top and slipped into the skirt. It was a perfect size. Well suited.

I kept the sleeve over my forearm, and for the first time in my life, I wasn't embarrassed or overthinking about my scar.

I went back to the mirror and looked at myself once more. I thought I looked amazing. The dress was so beautiful and so pretty I gave myself a twirl. Laughing at myself, I noticed I didn't have any shoes on. It's fine. Who would care?

I looked out the window and saw it was nighttime. Loki should be here in a while.

I sat down on the chair looking out to Asgard. It looked so amazing, I was so excited for tonight.

Then I thought of Loki. I have to mention I did grow feelings for him, but these feelings for him are bigger than what they seem. It's as if there was no word for it. I have never felt this way for anyone before.

I thought about him. His never ending humor, his cunningly attractive smile, those eyes. Those piercing blue eyes. I couldn't even stop myself from falling deep into them every time I looked.

I got jitters. I haven't seen him in two days, what would I say? Thank you for the dress? or Thanks for keeping me waiting! I had no clue. What if I fell and tripped and accidentally tore the hem of the dress? What if I made a wrong move while dancing? I'd be a joke to the prince of Asgard.

Just then I heard the door open.

I got up from the chair next to the window and looked up.

There he was.

Loki's POV
There she was.

My Gods.

She was beautiful. She was stunningly, gorgeously beautiful. I stayed frozen in place looking at her. She was just perfect.

The dress suited her very well and looked amazing on her. Her hair was neatly done and to the side, and her eyes were gleaming. Amazingly looking  right at me. I couldn't stop looking at them.

She smiled, "Hi" she said, nervously biting her lip.

I noticed I was still frozen in place looking at her, "Hello" I said giving a smile.

We just kept smiling at each other. 

I walked my way towards her, grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now