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Pain. Weakness. Crash. Scream. Zap.

My eyes opened wide and I gasped awake.

"It's ok. It's alright . You are safe" said a reassuring voice.

My vision was blurry. Only colored blobs at first but once my eyes focused I saw a man, sitting on a chair beside me. Black hair down to his shoulders, neat jawline, seemed tall, only a few inches taller than me, but the thing that caught me out of guard was his eyes. Those blue eyes. I kept looking at them for about 5 seconds, they were beautiful. He was handsome too. Very handsome.

"W-where am I?" I asked weakly. I just remembered I was almost beaten to death. I felt my leg was super numb, most likely from the stabbing. Otherwise, my face was all sore and I couldn't even move it, and my ribs felt bruised, I didn't even try sitting up.

"You're in Asgard," the man said. He had a slight accent.

Asgard? How did I get to Asgard?

"I brought you here," he said.

Oh, this guy can read minds. Great.


I checked my left arm. My sleeve was still there over my scar untouched. I breathed a sigh of relief and brought my attention to the stranger.

"... How and why?" I groaned, gosh I was hurting a lot. Why would a guy that I didn't even know save my life and take me to a place that was far into space?

"Well, um ... I saw you needed saving so I ... saved you. And Heimdall allowed me to come and get you with the help of bifrost" he said. 

Who is Heimdall, what the hell is bifrost?

"Ok ok ok hold on a second. Who are you?" I asked. My head was starting to hurt.

"Well, my name is Loki"

"Loki?? You mean ... prince of Asgard?" I remembered reading about him in one of my studies, he was the only Loki in all of the universe.

"Well yes actually" he said with a little smirk.

"Wow," I said surprised. I was taken by a prince.

"Wait so, how did you know I was in trouble?"

"Well ... umm I was trying a new magic trick and I saw you in trouble and very very weak" he said.

"But why did you save me though, I'm just another human to you" I said.

"Umm ... are you human though?" he said, ignoring the question.

What does he mean? Did he think I'm not human?

"I ask because of the blue blood" he said, referring to my injuries. I had patches over the gash on my forehead and on my leg but I'm sure he saw my flaw.

I turned away from him embarrassed.

"Please, I didn't mean to be rude, I was just curious," he said apologetically.

"Well sometimes being curious is rude," I said back to him.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to get you upset" he said looking down.

"Well I am upset. I almost got beaten to death, and I woke up to know that a prince saved my life but he wants to know about my personal business" I told him.

"Yes I know that was very rude of me and I apologize, but I am sure you are shocked. I am as well, I saved a girl whose name I don't even know, and I'm to keep her a secret or the whole kingdom will come to sentence my death" he said as he took a breath.

His death?

I then realized I was in his room. Tall dark green walls with no frames or pictures of any kind. A dark wooden desk on the left side of the door, piled with books. His whole room had books. Books on the floor, piled high against the walls, everywhere. There was a wardrobe on the right, with another door beside it. The sun was barely out in the sky, but there stood two tall windows beside his bed. Wait, I was in his bed. Oh god.

"Why am I being kept a secret?" I ask, now a little curious myself.

He chuckled.


"If my father knew I brought an outsider to his kingdom, he would banish me to the ends of the galaxies" he said.

"Then why did you save me then? I'm just another person, why would you save me?!" I said rather loud.

He looked down at the ground again, rather ashamed.

"How about we continue this another time, you need to rest" he said looking back at me.

I sighed. I wanted answers, but he was right, I was pretty tired. I nodded back to him.

He started getting up from the chair he sat beside me when he turned around.

"Can I just ask one more question?" He asked.

"Well you just asked one" I said with a weak smile.

He smiled back.

"What is your name?"

Oh right my name. He saved my life and brought me to his room and he still didn't know my name.


"Rey" he said nodding.

He walked toward his doors before he turned back again.

"Just don't leave my chambers, and don't make much noise. Like I said, I am to keep you a secret" he said.

"I don't know how I can make much noise when I can barely move and I have to get some rest" I said half laughing half yawning.

"Right," he said, giving a little laugh. "Well, rest well Rey" he said before leaving the room and locking the door with him.

I laid my head upon the pillows and got comfortable.

I was almost killed. I was saved by Loki, prince of Asgard. I am injured and very weak, but ordered to rest. I am to be kept a secret.


And like that, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Loki's POV
I walked down the hall to the library, still thinking about her.

She's so beautiful, even in her conditions. Although she was injured and weak, it gave me great pleasure to help her.

It might be hard keeping her a secret and hidden from the rest of Asgard, but it was a risk to take, I knew I had to care for her.

It was only sunrise but in a few hours, I get to see her again and get more information on her behalf and she shall know more as well. I needed to know how she got blue blood, and that scar on her forearm.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now