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My heavy eyes opened slowly and ever so slightly, it hurt to even open them. Where was I? What happened to me?

My head was pounding and I felt a stickiness on my forehead. I had dirt all over my arms and face and a few cuts here and there. But my entire body was sore, sore enough to not even move.

I noticed my hair was all messy and in front of my face, I was still wearing the baggy green pants and the dark grey sports bra.

Wait. I wasn't wearing the necklace Loki got me! I promised him I would never take it off. Oh gods.

I noticed my hands were chained. Two short pole-like figures were standing on each side of me, with chains connected to my wrists. I was on the ground in a kneeling like position, sitting on my legs with my chained wrists slightly raised to my head but facing away from me.

I then noticed I wasn't wearing my sleeve. My scar was exposed to all, the huge line on my arm was shown. It looked hideous but I couldn't think about that right now.

I looked around and noticed I wasn't in that horrid dark nightmare. I wasn't in Asgard either. From what I could tell, I was in Morag.

Grey, and quite dark with rocks all around, a huge ship just far away from me, but the sky was unique. It wasn't the blue sky you get in Asgard or Earth, it was rare. A variation of purple, orange and reds. A sunset but with no sun. With a vision of visible planets and moons in the sky.

I was taken aback by its beauty when I noticed a man-like creature standing right beside me, with a stern face and waiting for orders, looking straight ahead of him. I looked around and saw a figure a few feet away. It was tall, muscular with broad shoulders, much bigger than any person. That's not what caught me off guard though. He was purple.


"Thanos" I croaked with my hoarse voice.

How I hated him. I'm sure everyone in the universe hated his guts, other than his allies. He killed for satisfaction. It was disgusting.

He was sitting on a rock, just a few feet away but enough to kill me. He was also looking at the sky.

"Isn't it beautiful. How peaceful it is" he said, still looking up. "I wish to see this view every single day. To wake up and be in awe. To know the galaxies and universe are in peace and not in war. To not have to worry about anything, just see this view and enjoy it to the fullest"

I tried my hardest to speak but my throat was hurting like hell, "Then ... why kill all those ... people. Why don't you just stop" I said.

Thanos was a very dangerous man, killing many many people, ruling most planets.

He turned and looked at me, away from the sky. "That time will come to me, one day. But first, I must take care of something", he said standing up and making his way to me. 

I tried moving away from him but my hands were chained and I couldn't move much.

"What do ... you want with me?" I croaked out.

"Ah my child. You don't understand" he started saying, slowly walking towards me. "In order to get my life that I long for, I need to be satisfied with my successes. In order for that, I need the stones. Those stones will kill half of all life in the universe, creating balance. Once I know I have done that, I will live" he said looking down at me.

The infinity stones? He's a mad man. But what did that have to do with me?

"My daughter, Nebula, her system was hijacked and she showed the future. A scene of the mind stone in a scepter, held in the hands of Loki"

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now