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Loki's POV
We crashed down onto the ground. We both looked around and understood we were on Morag. The dull view but amazing sky gave it off.

We were both dressed in our armor, Thor with his hammer, me with my knives and tricks, ready for a fight.

I immediately started searching for Rey ... until my eyes laid on her. I almost cried out loud, instead sending a loud gasp.

Chained to two poles, on the ground helpless, and unconscious but alive. Her messy hair hanging in front of her, with her dirty top and baggy pants. I noticed she had dirt all over her but also blood. Her blood wasn't blue as it was before, it was red. But how? What did he do to her?

She had a bloody nose, a slight scratch on her cheek and a huge bloody gash on her forehead. There were bruises all over too, on her stomach, and just below her cheek. She was so very pale and weak. She looked lifeless.

It hurt to even look at her. My loving Rey. I was so wrecked to even imagine what she had to go through, but I was so very mad. I was heated with rage. I was going to kill Thanos for everything that he did to her.

I looked over at Thor. He looked so ready to kill someone. I knew Rey was his friend, it has affected him too. He looked over at me, and nodded. We were ready.

We both walked up to the scene in front of us. Thanos has already seen us arrive. He must have been waiting for us. He walked toward us, with a man-like creature walking beside him.

"Well, isn't this a lovely reunion?" he said.

I just wanted to tear him apart.

"What do you want?" I asked. I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to rip him apart.

"I know you will have the mind stone sooner than later Loki. Rather give it to me now, rather than me killing her" he said staring straight at me.

That's it.

I started running at Thanos with both my knives at hand, Thor got the note and threw his hammer.

Thanos, surprised and unprepared, got hit directly in his stomach and I jumped onto him bringing a knife to his throat. Before I could even make contact, his right-hand man kicked me off.

I started battling him with my knives and tricks as such, as Thor kept fighting with Thanos.

Slashing with knives to one another, we kept dodging and making close contact to killing one another but still pushing back. At one point, I'd use my magic to bring him to defeat.

I slashed his daggers off his grip and came up to him, ready to kill. He grabbed something from the back of his boot and took out a taser stick. He turned it on and the same blue lightning bolt came strewing across the point. The same lightning bolt that made me save Rey in the first place. The same one that brought her weakness every time.

Without hesitation I ran and drew my hand down, breaking the stupid weapon with a dagger. Then slashing it into his stomach.

I looked over at Thor, seeing if he needed any help, but he kept crashing down Thanos and fighting back. I got my chance and ran over to Rey.

I went to the ground with her.

"Rey ... Rey wake up" I said, as I pushed her hair off from her face and put her head in between both my hands. She felt so cold and she was very very pale.

She didn't open her eyes, but I felt a little pulse on her neck. Still alive.

I used my magic and I broke the chains sustaining her. As they broke, she fell into my arms and I catched her.

I noticed Thor was still fighting with Thanos, but he noticed I already got hold of Rey.

I carefully but easily picked her up, bridal style, and started running to where we first landed. She was so very light, she felt like a feather. Her arms fell to her side, but I was careful enough to not hurt her.

I looked at her. How fragile she felt. I never wanted to see her in pain ever again. It felt as if it were my fault that she was in this state. A wave of guilt went through my mind and heart. I promised to her, then and there, that I would never once again, hurt her as I did, and never again leave her. I would never stop protecting her.

Forever and always Rey.

Thor crashed his hammer down onto the ground, sending lightning all over the place, making Thanos fall in defeat. He then quickly ran to us and pointed Mjölnir into the sky, sending us back to Asgard.

Forever and Always, Loki Where stories live. Discover now