1K 44 10

trigger warnings: violence - parental issues - gang violence -  guns - homophobia.

Jeongwoo's dad's business is called "st. peters" and the mob is also called st. peters

Haruto's parents' business is called Watanabe tracks but people refer to their mob as "watanabe's guys"

explanation (how the mob works)

"The don": the undisputed leader of the crime family.

"Underboss": powerful second in command. a family member or a trusted person that is trained to take over the business. 

"Consigliere": counsellor and adviser to the boss. A trusted friend and confidant, usually the number 3 man in the family.

"The capos": made gang members that lead a crew of soldiers.

"Soldiers": made gangs that work for the mob. Lowest members of the crime family, but still have a lot of respect. Soldiers are required to take a silence oath called "omertà". In some situations, soldiers are required to commit murder. Soldiers can be both family and other street gangs working for the mob.

"Associates": crew members who have not been made. Associates commit crime under the protection and directions of made members. They pay a share of proceeds to their superiors. 

St. Peters:

"The don": his dad, Park Sungho

"Underboss": Jeongwoo.

"Consigliere": his uncle, Park Taekwang.

"The capos": a group of respected members.

"Soldiers": street gangs and family.

"Associates": individuals, dealers.

Watanabe tracks:

"The don": his parents, Watanabe Miho and Watanabe Hideki

"Underboss": Haruto.

"The consigliere": Haruto's mom's younger sister, Yuki.

"The capos": respected family and mob members.

"The soldiers": street gangs, family members, and members."Associates": individuals, dealers.

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