chapter 15

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hey guysss. i'm back finally lmaooaoao. i hope u guys r doing well!! Ramadan mubarak to all of yous!! this chapter has some passive voice i don't really like but it's an overall good chatper. as yall can see i changed a lot of things about my profile like my dumb username thank god, i hope u like the new one. i'm also really excited about this story i already began writing the next chapter lmaoo. Enjoy!! 

btw i didn't add a song i might add one when i wake up lol

Another punch to the the nose and he was off. His whole body was aching. The dried up blood on and under his nose felt so uncomfortable, his whole body felt uncomfortable. Just awesome. What had gone into his head when he thought it was a good idea? Must've been some pretty bad stupid shit. Because Haruto beat him to a pulp, left an ugly bruise on his face and choked the shit out of him. Safe to say it didn't go well. Now he's definitely going to go tell.

What plan was Jeongwoo even talking about? Whenever he thought of it he rolled his eyes and took a deep breath in to try to sooth the embarrassment he caused himself . When is he gonna stop being stupid? How is he ever gonna recover from that? The answer is no. He's never gonna recover from that. What plan? Jeongwoo scoffed at the thought. He never failed to sound stupid.

Planning anything with Haruto sounded like a miracle. And that's what miracles are. Shit that isn't supposed to happen. Maybe having someone's hand around his neck really encouraged his creative fucking thinking skills . Told him about a location and everything. If he didn't sound desperate enough, he really did the trick with that 'plan' talk. It made sense in his head for a split second. Now it sounds like the dumbest thing he's ever said.

The sun was still out and he was boiling with fury. To be completely honest, he didn't even care about his anger anymore. It is what it is. if anything was to happen he would just go with it instead of try to fight it anymore. Who knows, maybe he can made a plan. Hopefully something that didn't include Haruto though it sounded like his only option . If he was ever gonna get away with it, he needed Haruto on board. No not on board. He needed him to keep his mouth shut. And he won't keep his mouth shut unless he was on board. Fuck that was confusing.

Jeongwoo parked his car in his dad's garage, it was big enough to fit five cars. But there was only one in the drive way. A white small Toyota. His dad was probably in the company. If he wasn't organising crime, he was making a respectable living. That was ironic. He sighed and walked towards the door that let him inside. That was Jiwon's unmistakably ugly car. He took pride in saving up for it himself, and everyone made him look like some sort of saint for doing it even though it was ugly .

He didn't get it. Like he really didn't get it. Jiwon was just the most average guy ever and self proclaimed genius. actually everyone claimed him to be a genius. How the fuck was he a genius? If anything, Jeongwoo was the genius because of how much he's been brainstorming these past few days. Even if he fucked things up, Jiwon was no better than him. At least he did something.

"Jeongwoo!" Jiwon called from upstairs. Jeongwoo stopped in his tracks, his hand tightening around the bottle in his pocket. He should've never stole it. It was whatever. What's Jiwon gonna do anyway?

𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒎 ✒︎ hajeongwooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora