chapter 14

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yall guess how much words i wrote in this chapter. take a good fucking guess. I WROTE 10,428 WORDS IN THIS BITCH.
but yall deserve it from such an amazing writer as myself 😩

anywaysss i'm writing a chuuves fanfic for nanowrimo and it's gonna be awesome. imma post it on wattpad for my orbits. stan loona or face the consequences 👹

song: sadderdaze by the neighbourhood
i love how i put 3 minute songs when the chapters takes a long time to read 💀
anyways just listen to my playlists on spotify if u want they have more songs or sumn

actually imma just put the link in my bio for my acc so yall could check it out i'm so kind

A weird feeling tugged at Jeongwoo's stomach. The unfortunately familiar feeling of his school uniform felt like it was irritating his skin . With his back pressed against the brick wall of his school, the only thing he sensed around him were the indistinct chatter of his friends and the smell of cigarettes . His head was out of it. Stuck in thought. He's been like that for only two days yet it felt like two years.

Still thinking how his brother caught him on the stairs listening to them speaking. It didn't really matter. His brother didn't care. But the scare was enough to put him in cardiac arrest. Jeongwoo partially accepted the fact that he's fucked. It just felt inevitable at that point. But he isn't gonna give up his position to his sissy brother.

His head was turned to the other side. The back of the school was where his friends and him usually went out for smokes. It felt exciting and fun most of the time. Now he couldn't even stand the smell. It made his throat feel like it was closing in on him.

He watched out for the cars that made their way into through the school road. None of them being Haruto's unmistakable black Cadillac. All he wanted to do was avoid him and not look at his face again. Yet he was spending his free time before school seeing if he would come to school. So he can be extra pissed off when he sees his smug, underserving ass prance inside the school. Nothing made him more revolted.

A weird ringing in his ears went off, making him wince. The sound of his friends talking non stop felt like pressure on his ears. Annoyed was an understatement. He didn't even know what they were talking about. One minute it's about making plans to go out and the other minute it's about this one guy that supposedly 'got sucked off by the nurse' or whatever they said, he wasn't really capable of listening to what they were running their mouths about . He stayed with them. He couldn't be alone now.

"Hey Jeongwoo." He snapped out of his trance when he heard the mention of his name, not knowing who even called him. Turning his head, his eyes hopped from one person to the other to see who called him. They just looked at him weirdly . Which he didn't get. "You good?" Junkyu asked.

They kept looking at him with that concerned look he hated so much, he's been getting too many of these looks lately and it's only been a day . He rolled his eyes and turned his head back to the non ending series of cars on the road. "Yeah I'm good, why wouldn't I be." He said absentmindedly .

"You look out of it." Yedam commented. Jeongwoo's lip slightly curled up at his remark. He's one to ask. If he was avoiding anyone, it had to be Haruto and Yedam. He couldn't stand the sight of them.

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