chapter 7

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i love how Jeongwoo and Haruto are just menaces to society in this story 🏃

song: day n nite by kid cudi

"So what are you saying?" Sungho asked, sitting on his chair looking at Jiwook with a questioning expression. He was beginning to sound insane. Jiwook noticed his expression when he spoke but kept a solid look on his face to show he couldn't be intimidated . He had his long hair tied In a low ponytail.

"Jeongwoo can deal with Watanabe's kid." He simplified. Waiting for his response was torture, he knew Sungho wouldn't like the plan.

Sungho narrowed his eyes at him and looked at him in confusion as if he was speaking in a foreign language. He leaned forward to him like he was trying to listen to his talk. Jiwook took a breath in and kept his eyes forward. Sungho scoffed and leaned back in his chair, shaking his head as he chuckled. Jiwook couldn't help rolling his eyes at his reaction.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Sungho chuckled and looked back up at Jiwook, with humour in his eyes. Jiwook knew he wasn't being taken seriously. He had to demand himself to cool down and not express his anger. His only outlet was digging his fingers against the velvet armrest, feeling the almost painful friction of the fabric.

"It might be our best option." He said, trying his best to sound persuasive. Sungho's eyes became dead serious and his smile was wiped off his face. He sat back up normally and glared at his brother.

"I have a ton of people ready to go solve the problem." he said with an expression Jiwook found angering. He looked at him like he was stupid for saying what he said. Finally, his grip on the armrest loosened. "And you think my son is the best option?"

"Sungho listen.." He sighed and rested back on the chair. Sungho rolled his eyes, he couldn't take anymore of his useless talk. "That'll give him some experience and maybe show him what it's really like."

Sungho's face twisted in confusion at his words. Everything that came out of Jiwook's mouth sounded stupid and insane to him. These days, Jiwook's been acting like he needed to prove something. He didn't know what it was and he wasn't interested, he just needed Jiwook to not let that bullshit get to his head and affect his work .

"We can settle his "experience" by talking with him about it first. Or show him how we do it. And you think making him carry out a kidnapping is the best for of experience." Sungho argued. He began to lose his patience with him. The last thing he would ever do was risk his son's life. And listening to Jiwook try to explain why it was a good plan was just daft.

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