chapter 2

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i wrote this half asleep 😸

song: to the ends by aaryan shah

Haruto held onto the grab handle on the bus. Swaying left and right with the movement and trying to stand still with its racketing movement . The cool light of the busy bus changed from time to time due to the afternoon sun peaking through the windows. A blank look masked his face as he stared into the void.

The bus was filled with people since it was the exact time students were dismissed from school. He had to stay standing. the sound of the wheels against the rails felt too loud on his ears. His face scrunched into a tired grimace as the sound kept grinding against his ears. He wasn't used to this.

A shorter figure beside him held onto the pole with both hands. Haruto glanced down to see her neat hair put into low pigtails. He looked back up and sighed. She shifted her position and he saw her grimace though she was way shorter than him.

"How long are we gonna keep taking the bus?" She asked. Memi was always the person to complain. Haruto and Memi had nothing in common, but then again, they were siblings. He rolled his eyes and stayed silent.

"I don't want to be here." She said again.

"Like I do." He scoffed and shook his head. She looked up at him and he looked down at her eyes behind her glasses, her brows were furrowed and she looked at him with a stern look .

"When is your car gonna get fixed? It's been a week." She asked as if she was interrogating him. He looked at her in disbelief. The stern look on her face didn't leave. Like she was challenging him.

"You're so spoiled." He scoffed and looked back up.

"You're spoiled too. Look at how easily you let your car get ruined." She said, looking him up and down wit disgust. He turned his head to her with his brows raised in disbelief.

"So it's my fault?" He asked, pointing at himself, not believing the words coming out of her mouth. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at him. He looked at her look of belittlement in confusion.

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