chapter 10

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sorry i was late. i had exams and i got sick. it's the break now so i'll be writing a lot. 💞

song: casanova by sicksick slowed

Jeongwoo looked down at Haruto's unconscious body with a heavy breath. His body was showered with a cold sweat. He was frozen in place. He actually did it. Oh my god. Watanabe Haruto was unconscious right in front of him. And it was actually all because of him. He had no idea what to do.

Shaking his head, trying to take it away from the thoughts. His heart was hammering against his chest, it became painful. He swallowed, his mouth felt dry. As he huffed a breath, he crouched down to his level and tried to hold onto his arms. Taking a deep breath, he pulled with all his might.

Haruto was way heavier than he thought. Jeongwoo rolled up his sleeves and crouched down again. A glare in his eyes froze his face in focus. A little spark of ego lit up In him again. Haruto was completely in his control. Jeongwoo was the one in control. But that little bit of ego didn't take down his anxiety one bit. Anyone can come in the parking lot at anytime.

"shit." He seethed to himself. He wasn't budging. Jeongwoo grabbed both of his arms from the front, trying to lift him up at least a little bit. Only his head and chest lifted up slightly . Before he can fall back down, Jeongwoo hugged his chest and with all his might, he lifted him over his shoulder.

It felt like his shoulder was going to snap and break at any time. He held his breath as he tried to walk with him on his shoulder. it felt like an anchor slowing down his every move. It was impossible. Jeongwoo adjusted Haruto's position and walked towards his car as fast as he could.

He let out an exasperated sigh when he realised he forgot to open the car door from before. Reaching his hand out, barely even seeing it. He tried to open the door. Haruto began to slowly slip. Jeongwoo jerked his body to the opposite side so Haruto wouldn't fall. He leaned too far. Jeongwoo stumbled on his footsteps to the other side. His heart leaped forward.

Finally. The click of the door sounded once his hand lazily opened it. He let go of the breath he was holding. Taking a step back, he opened the door all the way. It felt as if a huge boulder was lifted off his body when he tossed Haruto's body in the back seat.

His breath heaved in his chest and he rested his hands on his hips. Now he felt way lighter, like his body got used to the weight. Jeongwoo opened the door to the driver's seat and sat down, gripping the steering wheel with one hand as the other one started the car . Before he drove, he glanced at the rear mirror. He was met with Haruto's helpless figure. His stomach tied into knots.

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