Chapter. 15 Huh?

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My eyes opened and knew that it was morning. It felt normal to me but the warmth of my sister next to me is gone. We would sleep together because of our nightmares. Haha, we're ninjas now and we still sleep together.

I let my body take me to where ever and soon I was sitting on a chair, in the dining room. I didn't even know, I was just staring at my bowl of cereal. My eyes were taken somewhere else. A memorie....

It was...when I got that cat hoodie for my sister. It was at that shop down the road from our house. Fortunate. That was the title of the shop. I walked in and saw clothes that didn't crave my interest. But that hoodie. It just screamed BEAUTIFUL! I grabbed it and payed. But what made me think was the owner. She was kind and old. Like any other old lady. But something seemed-

"-AKURA-CHAN! SAKURA-CHAN!-" I stood up and slammed my hand on the table. Everyone was silent and was shocked at my outburst. I glared at my teammates and sensei and apologetically smiled at Isunami,Inari and Tazuna.

"I'm sorry for my outburst. Tazuna, inari, Isunami. I think-"


"-I will take a walk outside." I went to the front door and went. It looks like I have some business to do....


When is this dream gonna end...I can't take it! Sakura...please help me!

I sobbed as I covered my ears. Trying to block the sounds of people getting killed. Me getting killed. I can't take it.

But...through the screams of death. A voice.... Its saying to wake up. But how?...

No....I'm gonna wake up. I will not let this happen to me. I stood my ground and curled my hands into fists. I parted my feet and tried to power my chakra. I felt something go through my vines and my strands of my hair. My cat hoodie on me. I yelled as loud I could and felt my dream break. It was like glass. I grunted and yelled again and soon my dream shattered.

But luck wasn't on my side. I was in a white room and it kind a looked like mi- I gasped. Mikuto! I turned around seeing if he would be here and saw him appear put of thin air. I ran to him and hugged him like it was no world. He hugged me back and spinned in circles.

He set me down and ruffled my hair. I smiled at him feeling relieved and safe.

"You did good kid. A little more practice and you got it", I brought my eyebrows together completely confused. He just smiled and waved as I flew backwards. I scream at him being an ediot.

And that's when I woke up.

The sun shone upon my face as i get up. I stretched out my arms and yawned at the same time. i couldnt remember. What happened?

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