Chpt. 6 Wow...... Wait! i have powers!?

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Me: Hello

* Tobi comes out of no where and grabs me and goes through the window*

Me: Good bye!

I do not own Naruto



"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah" I chanted over and over again with onee-chan.

good job darling...


I felt a bit dizzy and uneasy. A headache barges through my head, making me fall to my knees. I could barely hear anything around my surroundings and I knew darkness consumed me...



It felt like I was floating on darkness but I can only see myself.

Can you hear me?

"Who said that?" I asked.

I did darling...

"Who a-are you?"

well... I am like your guardian... hehe

His voice was so soft and so husky, I could instantly hug him. Only if he has a damn BODY!? I just sighed. I looked at the darkness and said,

"What do you mean guardian?"

well, I was sealed inside of you when you were born. Your parents doesn't know about this.

"What do you mean? my parents don't know about this..."

Yes, I was chosen to be your guardian.

I just float there...

In darkness....


and now know he is a teenage boy...

"Can I see what you look like?," I asked. He replied with a yes. Soon I was in a white room, with a boy that has red hair, a white robe on and was bear footed. Is he a fan for white or something!

"No, I don't use white that much," He answered, his voice was so dreamy- Oh hell no! He is like 4 or 3 years older than me!..........

Stupid girlyness......... or is it hormones? Oh just shut up Cherry! wait! did he just answer my question!

"yes, yes I did," He answered again. OK I gave up....

"Not to be rude but why are you telling me now?" I questioned. He looked really relives but why is that..

"You have this big amount of chakra or it mostly powers and you will be training by me, you were chosen by kami himself to help the destiny child. NARUTO UZUMAKI".

That name replayed over ad over again in my head.

Should I...

Will I ...

Do I...

I stood up straight and looked into 'my' guardians eyes, my chin up. I warmly but determining smiled at him, giving him a hint that I said yes.

"Our training will start after your mission, oh and I will be talking to you in your thoughts....
so don't think about Naruto~". Did he just say that!? oh no he didn't.. I bonked his head and scowled him. He rubbed his head like a kid. I shooked my head and grinned at him till realization came to me, I DONT KNOW HIS FRECKEN NAME!!

"It's Mikuko," He said.

I was being pulled away and saw he was waving at me. Black spots claim my vision till I saw darkness....


".......wake.......Cherry......up", I groaned. I could feel two pairs of arms on my shoulders shaking me to wake up, I open my eyes and saw................


HELLO! Thank you all those people who are reading my story and waited patiently. THANK YOU

AND the next chapter will not be a chapter but it will be something

Read ya later





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