Chpt.5 bell test

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sorry sorry sorry. I HAVE BEEN A BAD GIRL, BAD GIRL. I just had to because I had this stupid book week project. Even though I did had alot of time I just lost it. WELL enough about me here is the new update....

Yep here we go.....


















any minute now













Come on!!!!


"Okay I have two bells, I want you guys to try get them off me, you can use genjutsu, taijutsu or ninjutsu-" Kakashi-sensei was interrupted by Onee-chan.

"But you will get hurt!" Sakura! don't doubt people...

"Yeah! you didn't even dodge that eraser!" Naruto said. I shook my head and sighed.

"Naruto-san! don't judge people by their actions. He a jouin for globs sake! " I yelled. Naruto-sans head fell to the floor.

"Sorry Cherry-chan..." He is so ADORABLE! I can't take it anymore. I hugged him.

"Aww its ok Naruto-san~ "I sang, Onee-chan and Kakashi-sensei sweat dropped and Sasuke-nii had a irk mark. I blushed deeply and let him go. I walked to onee-chan and hid behind her, so embarrassed.


Cherry-chan was so soft and cuddly- NARUTO! I love Sakura, Sakura, Sakura...


"Okay, back to me. You can use any weapons. But if any of you didn't get a bell-" Kakashi-sensei was interupped by onee-chan.

"But there is only three-" I covered her mouth and I got a glare from her and a grateful smile from sensei.

"-you will have to watch the others eat there food and you will be tied to a post and starve." Kakashi finished his explaination. I sighed and let my hand go, wiped it on my pants.

"Ok when I say go-" Naruto-san was already charging at sensei but sensei blocked his attack and pointed Naruto-san's kunai. I gasped.

"How can I say this.... I'm starting to like you guys" All of us sweat dropped well.... except Sasuke-nii ...

Suck his emoness

"Ready, set, GO!" Me, Onee-chan and Sasuke-nii hid. Sakura was hiding in bushes, Sasuke was up in a tree and I was in another tree, sitting on a high branch. Naruto was still there.

"You really are stupid"Sensei said.

"The only thing that is stupid is your hair!" Naruto charged at Kakashi again only to be blocked.

(A/N: Hi! Um.... well I'm going to skip all the fighting because I'm really lazy and all of you should know I'm writing this on my phone so.... yeah, I'm sorry if you wanted that but I will write the fighting in the other chapters, thank you for reading)

Now Naruto-san is tied to a post and all of us is sitting around him. Sensei already lectured us about being brats and sitting on Sasuke-nii. We are eating our bento's and we are not aloud to give any to Naruto-san. WELL I can't keep my crush starve now will I ...

"Here Naruto-san..." I offered. I used my chop sticks and signaled him to open his mouth.

"But Cherry-nee! we can't gave him food-"

"We can't just let a teammate starve, he will just bring us down AND I am so not cruel..." I answered. Sasuke-nii offered his saying I have a point, onee-chan said she was a diet. All of us feed him till a huge storm came out of no where and sensei making it more dramatic.

"You DISOBEYED my rules! do you have anything to explain yourselfs" He eyed us eagerly.

"Were ... were a team!" I yelled.

"Yeah! we can't let our teammates down, believe it!"

"Yeah! "

"Hn... yeah " Thanks Sasuke-nii.

"YOU... pass"

"Wait... are you telling us we..." I trailed off. Kakashi nodded. I jumped in the air and fist pumped. Naruto cried, Onee-chan squealed and Sasuke-nii smirked.

"Team 7, get ready we are going to have a mission tomorrow" and poof away, I screamed out loud, wanting the whole village to hear me.

"I'm a ninja!" I pounced around my teammates on all four and meowed. Onee-chan giggled and joined me. we sang...

we are ninja of the leaf

of the leaf

enemies will taste defeat

taste defeat

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah" I chanted over and over again. Shuffling with onee-chan.

good job darling....

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