Part 1

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Note: English is not my first language so excuse any mistakes.

Arizona is sitting in the back seat of the taxi, on the way to the airport, with her daughter sitting next to her, leaning against her arm.

When they arrive at the airport, Arizona hurries Sofia because they were in the nick of time.

A: "Sofia, let's go quickly!"

Sofia takes her suitcase and follows her mother. After checking in, they go straight to the boarding gate. After a few minutes at the door, it opens and a queue is created in front of it. Arizona begins to get more anxious and nervous when she thinks she's going to get on the plane. Sofia realizing this nervousness, immediately grabs her mother's hand in order to calm her down. Arizona looks at her and shows her a smile. Even at the door of the plane, Arizona hesitated a little when entering.

S: "It's okay, mommy. I'm here!" Says Sofia never dropping Arizona's hand.

Arizona signals Sofia to get on first and then she gets on the plane. Already sitting in their seats, Arizona take her cell phone and sends a message to Callie to inform her that they were already on the plane.

A: "We're already on the plane. Sofia is very excited to see you!"

Callie, a little worried, replies: "Good, I'm also very excited! Are you all right?"

Arizona immediately replies: "Yes, I'm fine. Sofia is taking care of me :)"

C: "Gorgeous girl! I'll see you in 6 hours :)"

As soon as Arizona reads this message, the plane starts riding, she immediately puts her cell phone in flight mode and gets closer to Sofia.

Sofia looks at her mother and asks, hugging her: "Is everything okay, mommy?"

Arizona wraps her arm around her daughter and says: "Yes honey, is everything all right!"

S: "Mama told me that you would get nervous and told me to give you a hug, that it would help you."

Arizona give Sofia a kiss on the head and squeeze her lightly. While the plane was getting up, Arizona closed her eyes and squeezed her daughter a little tighter.

A few hours later, she was calmer, as she managed to distract herself while thinking about the conversation she had had with April and Richard that very day before they said goodbye.

Sofia was sleeping, still holding each other. The plane began to land and Arizona closed her eyes again and squeezed Sofia, causing her to wake up. When the plane hits the ground Arizona releases the air that was trapped in her lungs. They take the bags and leave the plane. After picking up the remaining bags, they make their way to the airport exit, when suddenly Sofia yells: "Mama!!!" and runs up to Callie giving her a strong hug.

C: "Hi mija!! I missed you so much!" Says Callie squeezing her hard.

S: "I missed you too, Mama!"

C:"Where's Mommy?" Sofia points in the direction of Arizona. Callie opens a little smile, kind of embarrassed looking at Arizona, as she approached them both.

When Arizona gets to them without knowing how to react, she says:"Hey!"

C: "Hey! Are you okay?"

A:"Better now with my feet on the ground" says Arizona in a playful tone to lighten the mood.

Callie turns to Sofia and asks: "Did you take good care of Mommy?"

S: "Yeah, I gave Mommy a lot of hugs like you told me to, to calm down, and I think it worked."

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