Part 12

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It was Friday, the opening day of the Robbins-Herman clinic. Arizona was already at the clinic preparing everything, she had a gray dress, just up to her knee. Callie was wearing a black dress, full of sequins and a little blazer on top.

 Callie was wearing a black dress, full of sequins and a little blazer on top

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Callie left Sofia at a friend's house and was spending the night because they were leaving the party late

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Callie left Sofia at a friend's house and was spending the night because they were leaving the party late. The brunette arrived and ran into Addison.

C - Addison?! - says loudly to get her attention.

Ad - Callie!! - says giving her a hug - I knew I'd find you here.

C - Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Ad - So it would not be surprising - says smiling.

 C - We haven't seen each other for a long time - she says by smiling back.

Ad - True. How are you?

C - I'm great. And you?

Ad - I'm great too - take a break - You must be very proud - says winking at her.

C - What do you mean?

Ad - Arizona opening this wonderful clinic.

C - Yes, she's amazing... Arizona and Herman - says embarrassed.

Ad - Hum... you had told me you broke up with Penny, didn't you?

C - Yes why?

Ad - Nothing, just to be sure - says sawing eyes at Callie.

Callie sighs - Okay I'll tell you, I think it's okay... we are together again.

Ad - Ah I knew!! - says loudly, hugging her again.

Callie laughs at your reaction.

Arizona approaches them - Hi!

Addison turns around with a big smile - Hi Arizona! Long time no see - says giving her a hug too.

Arizona is surprised by Addison's reaction, because they didn't know each other that well.

Ad - Congratulations on the clinic, this is really amazing.

A - Thank you very much - smile at her.

Addison is called by another doctor - Well, we'll talk to you later. I'm not leaving without saying good-bye to both of you - says by holding Callie's arm and kissing her on the cheek, leaving them alone.

Callie looks down on Arizona - You look so beautiful!

A - You too - says approaching and giving her a little kiss, but Callie pulled her by the waist, deepening the kiss - Calliope! - says moving away and looking around.

C - What? Are you ashamed of me?

A - Don't be silly. Do you really think I'm ashamed of you?!

C - So what's the problem?

A - The problem is that we are not in a suitable place for this - says taking Callie's hand and pulling her through people in a hurry.

C - Hey where are we going? Slowly - says without understanding what was happening.

They enter the bathroom and Arizona pushes Callie against the door.

A - Here is a more appropriate place - says and joins her lips with those of the brunette.

Arizona begins to drop her kisses down Callie's neck as she releases some involuntary moans. The blonde lifts the brunette's black dress, starting to massage her clitoris over her panties.

C - Ariz... I need you... - and suddenly they hear Herman call Arizona from the stage.

Arizona stops her movements, and  starts to pull itself together.

C - No! - says frustrated.

A - Calliope sorry, but I really have to go.

C - I'm going to kill Herman... she couldn't have called you in a few minutes.

Arizona laughs and approaches the brunette - I make it up to you tonight - she give a little spin - I'm good?

C - You look beautiful - says giving her another kiss and Arizona comes out of the bathroom and goes towards the stage.

Callie leaves a few minutes after her so they won't see her leave together and goes to Addison.

Ad - You think I didn't see you come out of that bathroom? - says laughing and looking at the stage where Arizona was talking.

Callie just slaps her arm and laughs looking at the stage as well.

Arizona ends the speech.

C - How are Jake and Henry?

Ad - They're great, Henry's getting smarter and bigger. And Sofia?

C - Also grown, even too - laughs.

Ad - They grow up really fast.

C - How long will you be here?

Ad - Tomorrow afternoon I have my flight.

C - What do you think about going to lunch at my house? I really miss spending time with you.

Ad - Me too. I think it's a great idea. Send me your address and tomorrow I'll be there.

C - Deal - says moving away and toward Arizona and embracing her from behind.

A - God! You scared me - says turning to her.

C - I invited Addison to my house for lunch tomorrow, okay?

A - of course - says and Callie gets a call, it was the mother of Sofia's friend, and immediately Callie answered worried. Arizona seeing the bustle of the brunette was also concerned.

A - Did something happen? - But Callie didn't answer.

C - I'm coming there! - say and hang up - Sofia fell, I don't know what happened but she's going to the hospital.

A - Hospital?! - Scared question.

C - Yes! Are you coming?

A - Of course! - and they both run off to Callie's car in the parking lot.

Arizona calls Herman to explain the situation while Callie drives to the hospital.

They reached the emergency room and found Sofia lying with some wounds on her body and a cut on her arm.

C - Mija! It's okay. Moms are here with you.

A - Hey baby! It's ok - says by touching her daughter's hair.

The doctor comes in - Dr. Torres?! What are you doing here?

C - Sofia is my daughter.

Doctor - Really? Don't worry, she's fine.

She'll only get stitches in her arm, but she's very strong - says turning to Sofia.

The other girl's mother comes towards them, and explains to them what happened.

They entered the house and Callie had Sofia on her lap, while Arizona helped her open the doors to get her through. Callie put Sofia to bed, they said good night to their daughter and left the room.

C - I wasn't counting on ending the day like this - says driving to her room and entering the bathroom to take a shower.

Arizona follows her - Neither do I, but our daughter is fine, that's all that matters - says starting to take off her dress.

Callie goes in the shower and Arizona goes with her.

Callie had her eyes closed, her head tilted back as water fell on her.

Arizona stared at her as she bit her lower lip.

Callie opened her eyes and stared at the blonde - What?

A - Nothing...

C - Are you just gonna stand there and watch me?

A - You're beautiful, I could stand here all day looking at you.

Callie smiles and closes her eyes again, finishing removing the shampoo from her hair. Arizona approaches, grabs the brunette by the waist and begins to pass her lips across Callie's shoulders and chest.

The brunette opens her eyes and grabs the blonde's face - I knew you couldn't stand just watching - says and kissed her - I'm waiting for you in bed - give her a kiss and get out of the bathroom.

They were both very tired. Callie, already in her pajamas, sat on the bed against the pillow, while the blonde comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Ari removed her towel and sat on the other side of the bed with her back to the brunette, while the brunette admired her body. Arizona removed the prosthesis and put on the clean panties. The brunette crawled up to the blonde and grabbed her by the waist. Arizona smiled at the gesture and felt a chill from the touch of the brunette on her naked wet skin. Callie kisses her neck and puts her chin to her shoulder. Arizona puts her hands over Callie's and puts her head against hers.

They were silent until Callie broke it - Do you want to remarry?

Arizona did not move from the position it was in and opened her eyes surprised by the question.

A - You want it?

C - I asked first.

Arizona turns to face her - Of course! I guess it doesn't have to be a big party like we did the first time, but I wish it was written back on the paper that you belong to me.

Callie smiled - I want too - take a break - our wedding was so perfect. I think this time we could do something smaller.

A - So this was a proposal?

C - No.

Arizona opens her mouth and disillusioned eyes.

C - Not yet - winks at the blonde and gives her a little kiss.

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