Part 5

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They came to the apartment, showered, had dinner, and Sofia went to bed, tired from the day. Callie and Arizona were once again sitting on the couch talking.

A: "So what are we gonna do tomorrow, after we drop Sofia off at the sleepover?"

C: "I have some things in mind..."

A: "And what are these things?" Said curious Arizona

C: "You'll see..."

A: "Hum... is it a surprise?"

C: "You could say that."

A: "Well as long as it's not camping, I'm fine with it."

Callie laughs: "It's not camping, relax."

We were already the next day and It was time for Sofia to go to Caitlin's.

C: "Sofia let's go?"

S: "Yes mama!" says Sofia picking up her backpack.

S: "See you tomorrow." Says Sofia running and hugging Arizona. "I love you mommy!"

A: "See you tomorrow, baby! I love you too!" says Arizona picking Sofia up and kissing her on the cheek. "Wow... this girl is getting too heavy..."

Arizona puts her daughter back on the ground.

C: "I'll be right back!" says Callie smiling at her.

Arizona smiles back.

Callie was already set up, so she dropped Sofia off at the slumber party. Arizona stayed home, getting ready for her date with Callie.

Since she didn't know where they were going, she decided to wear tight black Jean pants, a Bourdeux shirt, with a small neckline and a black heel. She felt stupidly nervous, like a teenager.

As she was finishing her makeup, she hears Callie arrive.

C: "Arizona? Are you ready?"

A: "One minute."

Arizona looked in the mirror one more time, straightened her hair, took a deep breath, grabbed her purse and left the room.

A: "I'm ready! I'm fine? Because I don't know where we're going..."

Callie looked at Arizona, smiled and said: "You look perfect."

A: "Thank you... shall we go?" said Arizona with a embarrassed smile.

C: "Let's go!"

They left and went in Callie's car to an open-air cinema. It was already night when they arrived. Callie put a towel on the floor and a bag with some food for them. Arizona hadn't said anything yet, she was just looking around and smiling.

C: "So what do you think?"

Arizona smiles at Callie and replies: "I love the idea, I've never seen an outdoor movie."

Callie smiled back and the two sat on the towel just inches away.

A: "What movie are we watching?"

C: "I don't know the name, but it's a romance and drama movie."

The film began and Callie distributed the food. The two ate while watching.

The film was in a very sad and dramatic phase and the two had tears running down their faces.

Arizona, although nervous and afraid of Callie's reaction, slowly approached her hand to Callie's leg. When Callie felt Arizona's hand on her leg, she felt a chill all over her body and put her hand over Arizona's. They both kept their eyes fixed on the film... they were too afraid to look each other in the eye.

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