Part 17

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They washed their hands and Arizona left first and a few minutes later Callie left. Callie sat down and Arizona clasped her hand with the brunette and rested her head on her shoulder.

Callie kissed her hair and said in her ear - I love you.

Arizona lifted his head, kissed her on the cheek and said - I love you - and put her head back in place.

When they arrived, they fetched suitcases and took a taxi. Entering the house, they dropped their bags, sat on the sofa and called Sofia on FaceTime.
Later they had dinner, packed some things and went to bed, they were tired.

The next day, each one went to do their last day of work and organize everything.


At the end of the day, Arizona was already at home packing things up while talking to April on the phone, telling her all the news.

Callie comes home and sees Arizona facing a closet, walks over silently and grabs her around the waist.

Arizona - CALLIE JESUS! Do you want to give me a heart attack?

April - is everything okay?

Arizona - Yes, it was the silly Callie that scared the fuck out of me.

April laughs - Okay, so we'll talk later. Kiss.

Arizona - Kiss - hang up.

Callie - What are you doing?

Arizona - taking everything out of that closet. How was your day?

Callie - Well, a little sad because I said goodbye to everyone ... but it is for a good reason.

Arizona - Yes it is ... So will you help me?

Callie - Of course I'm just going to take a shower, I'll be right back.


When Callie returns, she finds Arizona tidying up while she dances, listening to loud music. The brunette just looks and smiles at the woman, when she realizes that she jumps in her direction and pulls her to dance too.

The two fall tired on the couch.

Arizona sighs - This was very good ... but my leg is already hurting - says removing the prosthesis.

Callie - I can do a massage if you want.

Arizona - Yes, please! - she says lying down and putting her legs on top of Callie's.

Callie starts to massage the blonde's leg, pressing with her fingers. Arizona feels relief and closes her eyes, while Callie starts to lift her hand up her leg.

Arizona - Callie, it's in the leg, leg! - she says without opening her eyes.

The brunette bites her lower lip and continues with the leg massage.

Arizona - What time is it? Can we call Sofia now?

Callie looks at the time on her cell phone - Yes, she should be home now. I'll call her - she says, calling Meredith and putting her on speaker.

Callie - Hi sweetie!

Sofia - Hi mama!

Arizona - Hi baby!

Sofia - Hi mommy!

Callie - How was your first day at the new school?

Sofia - It went very well, Zola always walked with me and introduced me to everyone! I made a lot of friends.

Arizona - Oh dear, this is so good! Zola was very friendly with you.

Sofia - Yes, I love her.

The three talked a little more until Sofia hung up because she was going to dinner.

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