Part 14

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The party had already started and there were several doctors, nurses and children there. Callie and Arizona were talking to Teddy when Callie hears her cell phone ring. She smiles and answers when she sees who it is.

Call - Hi! How are you? We haven't spoken in a while...

Yang - I know, I've been running out of time. But today I had to get a few minutes right? Where's my goddaughter?

Call - Give me a second - looking around her daughter - SOFIA!

Sofia comes towards the brunette - Yes mama?

Call - Look who's here to talk to you!

S - Godmother!! - Pick up the phone and walk away to Zola, for both talk to Yang.

When Sofia finished the call, she came to Callie to give her the cell phone. Jackson approaches the two of them with an envelope in his hand.

Avery - Hi there!

Call - Hey! What happened a little while ago? You ran away.

Avery - I forgot something important. Where's Arizona?

Callie say weirding Avery's behavior - she's over there talking to Alex - pointing at them.

Avery - ARIZONA!! - shouts, getting her attention - come here please.

Arizona went to them - Yes Avery.

Avery - Well, I have a present for Sofia - he says by getting Sofia all her attention - but I need you to listen to me, okay? - says lowering down to level with the girl and she settles - So I have this envelope for you, but you can only open it when you're home, and with your moms ok?

Sofia picks up the envelope - Deal! Thank you.

Avery - You don't have to thank me.

Callie and Arizona were both finding it very strange. Sofia gave the envelope to Callie, asked her to keep it, and went to play again.

Call - What is the gift?

Avery - I'm sorry, but I'm not going to say anything. Sofia has to see it and show it to you.

Ari - What a mystery...

Jackson went to Meredith - I need to talk to you.

Mer - What's going on?

Avery - There's a way to leave Callie, Arizona and Sofia at your house alone for a while after the party.

Mer - What? Why?

Avery - Can you please trust me?

Mer - Okay, I'll talk to Amelia and Maggie so they don't go home right away, and I'll find something to entertain my kids for a while.

Avery - Thanks! Then you'll understand everything, okay?

Mer - okay.

The party was over and everything was already set, so the three of them went back to Meredith's house. When they arrived, Sofia showered and put on her pajamas. The mothers were on the couch talking when Sofia came in.

S - Can I see Uncle Jackson's present now?

Ari - Yeah, I think you can.

Callie takes the envelope out of your purse and hands it to her daughter.

Sofia also sits on the couch and begins to open the envelope, taking out a paper.

Call - What is this?

S - a text I think...

Call - Show me - says by stretching her arm to pick up the paper.

Ari - Callie, our daughter can already read let her read for us.

S - "Dear Sofia. I don't know how to begin to write this. I think I want to start by explaining that I asked Jackson to keep this letter until you were eight, because I knew that you would already know how to read, and that you would be old enough to understand."

Callie realizing who it is, takes her hand to her surprise and emotional mouth, making Sofia stop and look at her - mija keep going - she says in tears.

Arizona also had already understood who it was and approached the brunette hugging her and taking her hand.

Sofia continued to read - "Me and your mama Callie met at Joe's bar, in the same place where her two moms met as well" - Arizona cracks a laugh, putting her head on Callie's shoulder.

Sofia stop reading - Mom, is this a letter from Daddy?

Callie can't answer anything by shedding the cry she was trying to catch.

Ari - Yes love it is! - also says crying - keep going.

S - "Since that day we have become best friends, and your mama has become one of the most important people in my life, I love her very much and I hope she knows that." - Callie again drops the cry she was trying to catch - "She was going through a very sad phase, when she met Arizona, a incredible person, a great friend, but especially an amazing mother, I hope she knows too, that I love her very much. Since that day, your mama Callie has become so boring, she wouldn't let me go, she was after me every day asking questions about Arizona" - Sofia laughs - "Your mommys started dating and I remember thinking that I had never seen Callie so happy. One day they broke up over a stupid fight... but I have to confess that this fight was the best ever, because it was thanks to her that you were born. My baby, my princess... you were the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't even know how to explain the unconditional love I have for you my daughter. Unfortunately when you were little, your mommy Arizona and I had a plane crash, and for that reason I won't be able to keep up with your growth, but I know that when I'm right up there in the sky, I'll be able to see you and I'll be watching you read this letter, next to Lexie, another person I love very much who is also in heaven, waiting for me. I'm gonna miss you so much, my little girl.

Take care of your mommys for me and don't let them fight over silly things. Tell them for me that I love them very much and that I will miss them.
With this letter, I want to ask you never to forget me, because I love you more than anything and I will be very, very proud, looking after you and your mothers always.

From your daddy, Mark Sloan."

Sofia finishes, also already with tears in her eyes and says softly - I will never forget you Dad, I love you so much.

Callie cried desperately and Sofia approached her by giving her a hug, which Callie immediately reciprocated. The three of them are quietly hugged and crying for a few minutes.

Meredith enters the house with the children and seeing the situation leads them to the bedroom. Sofia's already calmed down, so Arizona tells her to go to her room, too, and that she'd call for dinner.

Callie was still crying uncontrollably, so Arizona hugged her until she calmed down.

Ari - I'm here love - says by rubbing her hand on Callie's back.

Call - I can't believe he wrote this to Sofia... - says calmer coming out of the hug - he... he already knew he was going to die.

Arizona takes her hands - But it was very beautiful what he wrote.

Call - Yes, it really was. I wanted to hug him so much.

Ari - Me too. And a hug from me, you want? - says smiling.

Call - Of course. Always - give her a little kiss and then a hug.

Meredith comes in - What happened?

Arizona takes the paper and hands it to her.

Meredith begins to read and immediately notices and there are some tears in her eyes as well.

Mer - Wow I didn't see that coming.

They were all finished having dinner and talking, when Arizona shows up with the cake and the candles lit.

S - Another cake?! - says enthusiastic.

Call - It's the last one.

They sang congratulations to Sofia, ate the cake and the children went to the living room to watch a movie, while the adults stayed in the kitchen tidying up. The subject was Mark again and Amelia told old stories of him, Derek, Addison, Sam and Naomi.

Amelia - ... it was very funny. They are very missed.

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