History is Bound to Repeat

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Kenzie's POV:

The rehearsal was amazing. And I was out in the middle row centre. I had always been in the back row at The Next Step but now they were starting to see my improvement. Next stop, front row. I grabbed my phone, making sure not to forget it this time, and put it in my bag. Most of the A-troupers had left at this point but Michelle had said she wanted to speak to me. It was just me and Richelle left.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. I think the whole troupe had noticed that she hadn't been herself lately. 

She nodded. "I just wanted to talk to Michelle."
Just as her name was said, Michelle came out of her office. She wore a bright smile, which was weird considering it looked like Presley had been giving her hellfire.
"Sorry guys. B-troupe will not leave me alone. But I think I have a solution for them. Richelle, do you need something?"
"Yeah, could I talk to you privately?" Michelle began to look concerned, taking a quick glance at me
"Could it wait, or-"
"It's fine. She can go first. I have plenty of time." She didn't protest. Instead, the two of them walked into the office. I took a seat on the bench and began to scroll on my phone.
I couldn't believe all the notifications that were coming in. All from one video! I was still in shock. I took the time to scroll through the comments. Liking all the nice ones and answering a few questions. People asking whether I was from The Next Step and if I was that girl on Dancemania and whether I knew other people on the team. Their enthusiasm made me smile. The feeling was so great.
The repetitive motion of scrolling and clicking slowly lost my attention. My ears were lured over to the conversation.
"Richelle, are you sure you want to do this?" Michelle asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, I think it's what's best for me. And A-troupe has worked too hard for The Next Step to not go to Nationals." What was she talking about?
A small panic began to rise inside of me. She couldn't be doing what I think she was doing.
"So you want to move to B-troupe and compete at Nationals." I didn't want to make it obvious I was eavesdropping but I turned my head around. Richelle nodded.
How was she going to leave us? Again.
This could not be happening.

Showtime: S7 Ending And S8 FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora