Chapter 2 - Brutasha Crashed

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Wanda looked into the television set through the glass, she just wanted a calming honeymoon with Vis, some time for them to fall into normalcy. She blinked at the footage of the alien invasion, the news report of Tony gone missing, "Megan must be going out of her mind." Vision spoke quietly, Wanda looked over at him fearfully, "What are they?" Vision sighed, "What the stone was warning me about." He grabbed ahold of Wanda's hand and kissed in lovingly, "I have to go."

Wanda grabbed his forearm, "Vis, we have a child now. No, Vision. Vision, if that's true... then maybe going isn't the best idea." "Wanda I-" Vision yelled in agony as a blade pierced his skin and he flickered, returning to his android skin as he got thrown down the street. "VISION!" Wanda screeched, she was beyond scared, but ready to take on whoever she had to if that meant saving her husband and love. A strange, alienish woman appeared in front of Wanda, blasting her backwards so that she tumbled through the store's window.

Up in the sky, the quinjet quietly sneaked closer to the fight down below, "I see two possible opponents. There's four of us, plus Wanda and Vision. Me and Steve will take the woman, Nat and Bucky take the... ugly one." "They're all ugly." Bucky exasperated, throwing his hands up. Megan stifled her laugh, "Agent Barnes, you take the man, understood?" Bucky nodded, he hated his wife's formality, but he knew it was necessary for her to leave behind her emotions in the midst of a battle or they would get the best of her.

"Parachute at 3000 feet." Natasha spoke and Megan grinned at her, "Pussy." Megan jumped out of the plane and Natasha grumbled, "Not everyone has flying abilities, bitch." Natasha jumped after her and Steve and Bucky looked at each other, "They sure have a unique way of expressing their love." Bucky snorted and jumped, Steve looked back at the hands-free jet being controlled. He took a deep breath and jumped.

Wanda felt someone behind her, as the last train car zoomed past her she looked back to see a dark silhouette. Proxima threw a spear towards the figure and the figure caught it mid-air and in a second, flicked it back powerfully at Proxima who yelped and ducked, avoiding it. "No one messes with my family and gets out of it alive. Wanda sighed in relief, "Megan." Megan gave her a simple nod, "Let's get these motherfuckers."

While the battle raged on, Natasha grabbed the fallen spear of Proxima and used it as an advantage to fight with corvus. Her ducks and rolls were faster, more experienced than the alien's and he soon found himself out of breath trying to keep up with her. Meanwhile, Bucky sneaked up behind him, using his gun to get in a few good shots. "Thanks babe, but I had him." "Sure you did, Kukla."

Megan and Steve fought alongside one another, like a dynamic couple, their fighting skills matching each other perfectly. "Meg." Steve motioned and Megan understood, he kneeled, holding his shield flat as Megan jumped on it and onto Proxima, her hand on either side of her face as she tried to swiftly break her neck. But Proxima was stronger, faster, the alien buckled and threw Megan back and off of her as she grabbed her spear.

She ran over to Corvus lying on the floor, "Get up." She hissed, "I can't." Corvus replied in a meek voice. She looked up in due time to see the four Avengers huddle her, "We don't wanna kill you." Natasha spoke coolly, "But we will." Megan finished for her. Proxima hissed, "You'll never get the chance again." She transported up and out of sight, the glaive being snatched from Steve's hand as well.

"You two ok?" Megan turned her attention to Wanda who was hovering over Vision, her face a perfect epitome of worry and anxiety. "Can you stand?" Bucky asked Vision who flickered slightly, "Thank you, all of you." Steve pursed his lips, "Let's get you on the jet." Megan picked up Vision with Wanda's help and the two flew up to the jet, Megan coming back down for Natasha first, then Steve and then Bucky. Natasha shook her head at Wanda, "I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances."

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