Chapter 18 - Son Of A-

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A week later...

Wanda had been running for god knew how long, she couldn't stop otherwise her thoughts might've killed her, her memories. She kept seeing Megan thrust her hands out and their family disappear. At this point, if the brunette fell from sheer exhaustion, that would be the only way she would stop running. That or... running into Tony? Wanda wasn't watching where she was going, head down like it usually is and she ran straight into a man. "Oof." Tony looked down at the woman lying in the dirt in front of him, "Wanda?" He asked.

That voice, Wanda's eyes snapped up, "Tony? Tony, tell me this is really you!" Tony nodded, "It is..." Wanda sobbed as she flung her body at his, he stumbled back before he stood straight, hugging back the shivering, sobbing woman. "Wands... what happened? We all... just woke up in an abandoned HYDRA base. What... What happened with Thanos?" Wanda shivered more violently and Tony picked her up, bridal style. "Ok, that's it. I'm taking you back to the base, something bad clearly happened." Wanda's eyes shut due to the peace of knowing that her family was still alive.


"Up, soldier." Megan growled as a pail of cold water was thrown at her, she tried to lunge at the man, forgetting about her collar which shocked her painfully as she whimpered and weakly slid down the wall to the floor. "Fucking asshole." Megan mumbled. "Not my problem if I am. Now," The man kneeled next to Megan and growled, "UP!" Megan spat in his face and the collar shocked her again. "Certainly I can see why Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes admired you. You're sexy and tough." He chuckled.

"Fuck off." Megan spoke, earning her another shock. They kept shocking her, but she never learned, her intention was to insult these scums as much as she could. Hopefully these dumbasses could give her valuable information on where she was. "That's it, Jurgen. Let me talk to my Tochter." The man bowed as a woman in a skintight, black suit approached Megan. "My dear child, why resist and give yourself pain." Megan sneered at the woman, "Stop calling me child! I am not your child." "Au contraire, I gave you birth." Megan blinked, "You're the woman from the video?" She gasped and the woman nodded. "You're my... birth mom?" The woman smiled and nodded again.

"Son of a bitch!" Megan cursed and the woman chuckled, her eyes raving over Megan, "Actually it's daughter."


"Ok... so... so Megan thinks we're dead?" Steve asked and Wanda nodded, Magda sitting in her lap and hugging her mom close to her. The seven-year old had missed her mother and her attention. "And she... somehow... combined the stones with her own flesh hand?" Bruce spoke, his hand interlocked with Valkyrie's, he needed someone sane to comfort him, which in this moment was Valkyrie. Wanda nodded again. "And... she killed Thanos with that?" Peter asked, Wanda sighed, "No, she dusted him away."

The team looked at each other, "Hourglass really outdid herself." Silena shushed her boyfriend, slapping his arm, "Bruce, it's a family matter." "No, no, it's okay." Steve spoke, his throat dry. "Where is she now?" Wanda shrugged, "I don't know..." "This voice, the one that came in your mind... what did it sound like?" Tony asked, he chewed on his lip anxiously, Morgan in his lap. Wanda blinked, "Like a... cold woman's voice." "Cold and thin... like a spider?" Bucky asked, him and Tony along the same train of thought. Wanda nodded.

"You don't think it's..." Bucky trailed off, looking at Tony. "Who else could it be?" "Fuck. She's insane, Tony. She trained me and I'm telling you, the woman's insane." Tony nodded, "Don't you think I know that Barnes?" "Clearly not since you knocked her up." "Wait, are you two talking about Megan's birth mom?" Pepper asked, her hand tightening around her husband's. Bucky nodded, "They called her Die Spinne, she was brutal. Everyone in HYDRA assumed she was the very daughter of Johann Schmidt." Natasha shivered, "We met him at Vormir."

Steve cringed, it had only been a mere few hours since he was made aware of yet another one of his children's death and the fresh wound had not yet healed, the mention of the planet even adding salt to the wound. "Sorry." Natasha mumbled and Steve shrugged, "Fine, whatever. So this so-called Die Spinne, you two think she has Megan." "It makes sense." Bucky mumbled. "She's held a grudge against me for leaving her... maybe she's executing a plan of vengeance, with Megan as the main star."

"What do we do?" Wanda asked as she smoothed back Magda's hair. "Isn't it obvious?" Brooklyn rose from her seat beside Alex. Steve had noticed that with Megan gone, she had stepped up to fill the role of her mother, guiding and inspiring the team in a way Steve could never. Reaching their emotions. "She took care of us all when we were in the depths of our despair. We get her back. We crack some HYDRA skulls open, we pour our wrath on that Die Spinne bitch and we get our most loved member back." Everyone nodded solemnly at Brooklyn's small pep talk.

"Avengers... Assemble."


"YOU WON'T EVER BE ABLE TO GET INTO MY MEMORIES YOU WRETCHED BITCH." Megan yelled on the top of her lungs and the HYDRA doctor flinched at her tone, "She can hear you through the mirror you know. Maybe you can refrain from yelling, my eardrums feel like they're about to explode." Megan clenched her teeth, no gain in wasting her energy with these low-lifes, she had to save up for the main course... her mother.

The doctor or scientist, or whatever the hell he was, implanted two electromagnetic devices on either side of Megan's head and she clenched her teeth as the device started. The doctor pushed the lever on the monitor attached to the tubes and Megan felt her brain mush slightly before she shut out the waves once again. "She's put up walls... I can't get through them." Megan smirked, "You won't be able to get my memories from me you asshole."

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