Chapter 29 - Kronos' Return... Maybe

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"Ok, why the fuck did you wake us up in the middle of the night?" Sam mumbled, his bi-polar behaviour was getting worse by the day to the point where Wade had trouble dealing with him most of the time. "Hold your horses, Samuel." Tony sassed back and Sam growled at the brunette, baring his teeth in challenge. Edward walked through the glass doors of the debriefing room, Megan had asked for a second to recover her emotions and to be calm when she walked through those doors.

Outside, out of their sight, she quite literally shook out her nerves, "Ok, they're your family, they won't be mad... for long, right? They're your family, family, family, family." She muttered to herself. She nodded at no one in particular and took a deep breath, composing herself as she pushed through the doors. At first, everyone was conversing among themselves, too busy to notice her walking in. Sharon was the first to see her, yet she didn't recognize her at first.

Megan still looked like Megan, undeniably gorgeous, but she was different. She still walked confidently but her demeanor was slightly crippled as if every step hurt her, judging from the way she hissed it probably did. Her eyes carried such pain and agony that non one could hold her gaze for long, it would just slowly kill them from the inside. Her tearline was red as if not a moment went by when she wasn't crying, her once relatively smooth body was now littered with pale scars contrasting her bronze skin. Sharon looked at her and she felt a stinging pain shoot up her leg, although that was impossible... since her left leg was metal.

Slowly all the Avengers noticed the familiar woman in the doorway, Megan kept her eyes trained on the floor, she wasn't ready to face any of their disappointed and angry gazes, she couldn't. "M-M-Meg... i-i-is that r-really you?" Megan looked up to see Natasha stuttering over her words. Sure, Natasha had Steve and Bucky when Megan was gone, but unlike them she wasn't seething with anger, rather she felt like a missing puzzle piece of her heart was returned, no matter how worn it was. Natasha felt the heartbreak of losing Megan and before she knew it, she had rushed forwards to throw her arms around the woman, her lips attaching to Megans instantly.

"Missed you." She mumbled against Megan's lips as Megan held the redhead upright, she kissed Natasha back with love and passion and hunger. It was like the two had finally found water after being stuck in the desert for years. Natasha held Megan closer to her, not wanting an inch of separating between the two, wanting their bodies to be a close as possible. "As entertaining as this is to watch, what is she doing here?" Sam spat and Natasha pulled away from Megan as she looked at her best friend.

"Hey Sam." She spoke quietly, "Fuck you." he spoke, closing his eyes. To an outsider, it would seem as if Sam was angry, mad at Megan, to the Avengers they knew it was a way for him to hide his tears, his pain. "Do you even know how worried I was about you?" He rushed over to Megan, pushing Natasha back as she stumbled back and Tony caught her. Sam hugged Megan tightly, smelling the familiar and soothing Vanilla scent of her, she hugged him back tightly, burying her face in his neck. "I'm sorry." She spoke to everyone and as angry as they all were at her, they could see her pain which slowly melted their hearts and molded them again to fill with love for their friend.

Sam stepped back and one-by-one they all got to relay their greetings to Megan, except for the two super soldiers, her two husbands. They stood, uncharacteristically still, arms crossed over chest, faces twisted in rage, eyes red from hurt. They didn't even spare her a glance which only churned the anxiety in Megan's stomach further. "Uh... so... I guess you all know about your... uh... immortality." Megan spoke sheepishly, rocking on her feet. They all nodded, "Yeah, figured that out when Clint accidentally shot me in the stomach and I walked away just fine." Darcy grumbled and Clint's head shot up to look at her.

"Hey, ok... you said you were over that. It's been a YEAR, let it GO." "I don't who you think I am, but I sure as hell ain't Elsa, Barton." Darcy snapped back. "You shot me first!" "By accident!" "Ok... and? I just went into self defence mode." "From me? I'm your friend, Barton! Stop being an idiot." Megan chuckled at the familiar bickering between the Avengers, she was glad to be back home, yet she couldn't shake off the deadly glances given to her by her husbands.

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