Chapter 21 - Soldier 12 is Ready to Comply

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The heroes, united as one team, no longer divided into the categories that film and comics had them under, no longer was there a "DC" and a "Marvel", now there was just individuals who wanted to kick some ass and get their beloved Megan back. Steve crouched low in front of them all, tapping his watch to show a holographic projection of the base, "My team will be at entrance number 1, Clark, your team will be at exit 1, Bruce... Wayne your team will be at exit 2, Tony your team will be at entrance 2. The rest of you, cover the exits and doors assigned to you." Steve paused, looking at the unwavering resolve on the heroes faces.

"Two things you all should know. One, these agents are ruthless. You put a bullet through their head first and then ask the question, you hesitate for even one second and you're as good as a dead man. Two, we don't know what they've done with Megan, for all we know it's a Winter Soldier situation. I love her, but she is dangerous and a threat to all your safeties... so if you happen to catch sight of her, do not engage, call me over right away. My team and Tony's will take her on, the rest of you kill as many agents as you can and then get out of there, I don't want any blood on my hands today. Understood?" "Yes Sir." Brooklyn saluted and Steve smiled at his daughter.

"On my signal, get into positions." The heroes crept along the darkness of the night, getting to their respective doors. Steve paused and then took a deep breath, "3... 2... 1... NOW." He kicked down the door and ran in, Bucky, Wanda, Sam and Nat hot on his heel. Steve entered a long corridor and threw his shield, it hit one agent in the head, giving him a nasty gash as he crippled to the floor, unconscious. Bouncing off of him, it hit the other agent in the stomach making him double over in pain and his bile making a mess on the floor. Bouncing off of him, it hit the third agent straight in the neck, the man hit the floor, dead and the shield returned to Steve's arm.

He looked to the side to see Bucky shoot another agent and Natasha dodging quickly, her knives doing collateral damage to the agent's groins as she ducked in between their legs. Wanda's eyes glowed red as she smashed agents into the wall with her power and Sam took out the upstairs snipers. Making their way, fighting along, they crept down until the last door. "Tony, come in. Found anything?" "Nothing yet, Cap. Took out all of them, though." "Nothing here." Hope mumbled and Clark murmured in agreement as did Bruce.

Steve pushed the door of the last door open, gasping as he saw a weak Megan laying on a gurney, strapped in. He rushed over to her, pulling at the straps, "I'm here baby." He mumbled. The sheer confusion on Megan's face broke his heart, "Who are you?" Steve gasped harshly, behind him the other Avengers shielded their eyes. They knew how painful this might have been for him. "Meg... it's me, Steve, your husband..." "Steve? Who's that?" "Me, your husband. Megan, try to remember." "Who the hell is Megan?" Steve took a shaky breath as he picked up the weak goddess, bridal style carrying her out.

Tony and his team had made it in, all the Avengers stood in the room. Suddenly, the door flew closed and they all jumped at the sudden breeze. A woman jumped down in front of them and smiled gruesomely at them all. "Die Spinne." Bucky growled, having recognized her. "Ah, my best protégé, well until now. How have you been, James?" Bucky shot at her and lightning quick, she deflected it. Steve threw his shield and she ducked and she deflected back Tony's arc reactor charge. "You can't get me, trust me."

The woman took off her devil mask and Tony intook a harsh breath, "Hailey?" The woman, who looked identical to Megan sneered at Tony, "Anthony, I see you've been doing well since you left me." She gestured towards Pepper standing alongside Tony in her suit. Wade furrowed his brows, stepping forward, "Hold on... y-you look familiar..." Hailey gave Wade a knowing smile as if they shared some sort of secret, beside him Sam got a plunging feeling in his stomach. "Who are you, woman?" Hailey looked at him and shrugged, "Tony can tell you."

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