Chapter 27 - Meghan Lang-Rogers

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Wanda's grief had slowly consumed her so she found the most unlikely ally she could. Loki knew a thing or two about insatiable grief, pain, devastation. He and her became the most unlikeliest of friends. It started out by just talking with one another over a drink or two, slowly Loki began to spend more time with Wanda until he eventually moved all his things from Thor and Sif's house to Wanda's. An hour talk would turn into a night's, a simple movie would end in the two sleeping together on the couch, cuddled together.

Loki knew what was happening to him around Wanda, he knew he had to stop it, he had to stop feeling the way he did. But everytime she laughed or touched his arm or smiled, his brain short-circuited, admiring her pure beauty and grace. He hadn't felt this way about anyone except for... well, except for Megan. He tried to suppress his feelings, he knew all Wanda needed was a friend, that a part of her still loved Vision, but didn't Loki deserve to be happy as well? Didn't he deserve love as well?

So, one day, the two were talking over drinks as per usual, Loki admired the way Wanda's lips wrapped around the wine glass, how he wished desperately he was that glass. Magda was asleep upstairs, Loki had put her to bed, the child had gotten so used to Loki and his infinite love for her that she started to call him "dad". Wanda didn't mind, her heart bloomed thinking about how Magda had finally found a person to call dad, she was beyond happy and her heart was filled with nothing but love for Loki, friendly love, of course.

Wanda laughed at something Loki had said and during the course of the conversation the two had unconsciously gotten closer to one another until they were practically breathing in each other's breaths. Loki noticed that Wanda's breath smelt like the Merlot she was having, sweet with a hint of underlying spices. "Loki..." Wanda spoke quietly when she noticed their nearness to one another. "Tell me to move or go and I will." Loki responded, equally as quiet. "This is wrong..." Wanda spoke, "Why?"

"Vision... we were... we-" "He's gone, my love. I know it hurts, I know you feel like you're betraying him, but if he really loved you... wouldn't he want you to be happy without him?" Wanda couldn't argue with that logic and with that, the two's lips met. At first, it was a small, sweet kiss, it slowly grew to something much more, much more passionate and powerful. The sheer love behind the kiss made Wanda dizzy, she hadn't felt this kind of love ever in her life, not even with Vision. She leaned back on the couch, allowing Loki to shift over top her. He didn't seem like he had muscles, but as she ran her hands over his biceps and clothed chest, she could feel the chiseled abs and bulging biceps.

Loki moved down her neck as she wrapped her arms around her neck. "LOKI, LADY WANDA." Thor's voice startled them both, they broke apart, their eyes still swimming with lust. Loki fixed himself up and went to open the door as Wanda smoothed down her shirt, she thought about what she was just about to do. "Lady Cassandra... she is in labour." Wanda jumped up, "Wait, really?" Thor nodded, Sif stood beside him, her eyes travelled to Loki, noticing his messed up locks and to Wanda who was blushing intensely.

She cleared her throat, "Uh... Sharon has offered to watch the children with Darcy as Helen and Dr. Tronnie will be performing the... childbirth procedure." Wanda nodded hastily at Sif, her eyes averted, "I'll wake up Magda." Loki shook his head as he placed a hand on her shoulder and Wanda leaned into the touch, "I'll pick her up and bring her to Sharon, no need Wands." Thor's brows furrowed hearing his brother address Wanda by her nickname. "Yes, well, we should get going."

Loki and Wanda nodded, he rushed up and came back down with a still asleep Magda in his arms. He didn't bother wearing his jacket and instead opted to wrap Magda in it so she wouldn't get cold, which warmed Wanda's heart. They ran over to the compound where Sharon and Darcy sat outside, Evangeline, Scott and Hope's baby girl in Sharon's lap as she bounced her. Loki gently laid down Magda next to a snoring Morgan as he kissed her head. "Where is Lady Cassandra?" "Thor, you know you can call her Cassie." Darcy spoke as she cooed at the baby girl. Evangeline's bright hazel eyes blinked with curiosity as she stared at her golden-haired uncle.

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