Chapter 31 - PDA Rules All

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The others noticed. They saw how Steve, Bucky and Nat wouldn't leave Megan's side, one of them was always glued to her hip. They knew that not one single day went by without them holding Megan in their arms as they made up for lost time. Steve didn't mind PDA, but he also wasn't a big fan of it. So he mainly resulted in holding Megan by the waist or pressing light kisses to her lips or cheeks, just lingering touches, nothing hot. Bucky was different, he would corner Megan and make her moan as it looked as if he was quite literally eating her face off. But even Bucky wouldn't do it in front of the team, maybe a kiss or two but that was it.

Then came Nat, she didn't care who was around, she was always on Megan. The team understood, they really did, Megan was gone for so long that the four-way couple had to make up for the time she was gone. But that didn't stop them from complaining when things got out of hand between Megan and Natasha. Take today for instance.

Everything was going fine, Megan was training the team again for their battle with Kronos and because everyone moved from the compound, the number of bedrooms were reduced, hence more space for the gym. Which meant the whole team could mainly be training in there together, which Megan preferred, she had to see how each of them fought, how they worked together. About halfway through the excruciating workout, none of them could hear Megan's directing voice anymore. Sam noticed first, looking around, he saw Megan in the middle of the boxing ring, she was lying on the floor.

Natasha straddled her waist and was kissing her passionately and aggressively. Megan's hands were on either side of her waist as she moaned into the kiss. Sam whistled, catching Tony's attention who wasn't far from him and motioned towards Natasha and Megan, Tony rolled his eyes. "Ok carrot top, get off of my daughter." Tony spoke as he walked towards them, the rest of the team noticed and groaned as they saw the two. "Meg, you have to train us." Maria spoke up and Megan whined slightly but it was cut off by her own moan as Natasha rolled her hips against the goddess'.

Tony huffed and grabbed Natasha from underneath her arms, "Get up, let's go." Natasha refused as she steeled herself and continued to kiss Megan, not caring of the others' attention on her. Tony couldn't see how Natasha could kiss Megan for so long without having to come up for air, but the assassin continued to impress as she heatedly made out with her wife. "Capsicle, Hot Tub, mind controlling your wives." Natasha broke the kiss with Megan long enough to look at her wife's flustered face and up and Tony. Smirking she gave him the finger and then returned to what she had been doing before, unashamed of her very public display of affection.

Steve wrapped his arms around Natasha's waist, pulling her off Megan as she complained, "Damn it Romanoff. You can have her tonight, let her train the team." Steve spoke with authority to his wife and the redhead huffed. Blushing insanely, Megan stood up shakily and looked around at the team staring at her, "Right, back to work." She mumbled.


Tony had the bad luck of seeing his daughter completely writhing in pleasure the second time that week as he walked into the compound kitchen after his workout to get a cup of coffee. Lo and behold, right in front of the coffee machine, the brewer hidden behind her back was Megan sitting on the countertop. Her legs spread and Bucky standing in between them as the two made out passionately. "Can I just... just..." Tony tried to reach around them, but he couldn't possibly get to the machine.

Brooklyn walked in and her grandfather turned to look at her with wide eyes, she took one glance at her parents and walked back out. Tony sighed, Sharon was in desperate need of an energy bar so when she walked in to get one, she found Tony leaning forward against the counter, his face buried in his hands and Megan and Bucky sucking each other's faces off. "STEVE!" She yelled, he was the only one who could get either Meg and Nat or Meg and Bucky to stop. The blonde walked in and took immediate notice of his husband and wife on the counter. "I NEED MY COFFEE." Tony spoke miserably, "And I need my energy bar." Sharon added.

Steve sighed, "Sorry guys." He moved towards his spouses and tried to get Bucky off of Megan, but unlike the feeble assassin, Bucky was much stronger and ground himself in place. Megan felt a blush rising at the attention they were getting and she tried to break the kiss off but Bucky held her in place and kissed her only more forcefully and harder making a whimper leave her mouth. "Buck... they need their food." Bucky sighed and moved away from Megan slightly, "More than one kitchen, go to your own houses." He resumed kissing Megan and Steve slapped his forehead. "Am I the only sane one in this marriage?" He asked himself out loud. "Yes." both Sharon and Tony replied.

Steve managed to pry Bucky off Megan and threw him over one shoulder while he easily threw Megan over the other. Sharon watched as Steve walked off, scolding the two, "He's really strong." She spoke and Tony smirked, "Don't fawn over Megan's man, she might just kill you." "I'm not, grandpa." Sharon hissed and Tony smiled and winked at her.


Wanda and Loki didn't know how to act around each other, that one night fueled a passionate fire in them both that couldn't be sated no matter what. So they did the logical thing, they avoided one another. That was until they bumped into each other late at night. The team was training and Loki, clad in regular clothes, a fitted black tank top and low-hung sweats was heading to the washroom while Wanda was exiting. The two bumped into each other and Loki held onto Wanda's waist to prevent her from falling backwards.

The two were so close, Loki looked down to see Wanda in her tight tank top and short, short workout shorts. His mind wandered and he took a shaky breath to stop himself, his breath smelled like mint, pleasant Wanda thought. The two looked into each other's eyes, "Sorry." Loki spoke, his accent pleasant and melodic. Wanda smiled, "It's quite alright." She spoke, her own accent like warm chocolate. "Uh, that night, Wanda. If I overstepped, allow me to apologize, I would still like to be friends." Wanda nodded, "Yes, I'd like that too."

The two hadn't moved neither had they any intention to, they just stared into each other's eyes. Suddenly Loki pushed Wanda roughly into the washroom and locked the door behind him, pushing her against the door and picking her up, Wanda immediately wrapped her legs around Loki and they kissed with burning desire. "Just... friends... my... ass." Wanda heaved as Loki kissed down her neck and chest and smirked, "Friends can have fun." Wanda chuckled then gasped as Loki nibbled on her sweet spot.

"Fuck." She let out a breathy moan. Loki took off Wanda's tank top and she reciprocated. He undid her bra buckles and let it fall to the floor as he stared at her in admiration. "You're the most beautiful woman I've seen." Wanda melted like putty in his hands as she smiled slightly, "Kiss me." Loki didn't need to be told twice, he kissed her as he took off her pants and pushed off his own.

Lining himself up with her, he stared into her eyes, "No going back after this, are you sure?" Wanda nodded, "Yes, yes, just fuck me already, Loki." he smirked and pushed into her, Wanda's lips parting in pleasure as she felt Loki deliciously fill her up. "Move." She hissed and Loki obeyed, all the while kissing her to swallow her moans and keep the team from finding out.

When they had both reached their highs, they slunk down to the floor and heaved, Wanda rested her head on Loki's bare chest. "I think... I think I'm falling in love." She whispered, Loki kissed the top of her head, "I've already fallen in love, my dear."

Meanwhile Brooklyn pestered her mom, "C'mon Mom, I won't tell anyone! You can bring Uncle Vis back, but will him and Aunt Wanda be together?" Megan smirked, "Edward told you about my abilities?" Brooklyn nodded sheepishly. "I can't tell you." "It's a no then, otherwise you would tell me. Look, I promise, I'm just dying of curiosity." Megan huffed and rolled her eyes, "Fine, you won't tell anyone, not even Alex, promise me." Brooklyn frowned, "I can't do that, Alex is my boyfriend, we tell each other everything. No secrets."

Megan shrugged, "Fine, then I'm not telling." Brooklyn huffed, "Fine, yes, I won't tell him." "No, they won't be together... I have a feeling she's found someone else..." "Who?" Brooklyn leaned in closer as Megan looked around to see the rest of the Avengers busy training, "Loki." Brooklyn squealed, "I always did ship them." Megan rolled her eyes at her daughter and Brooklyn leaned in again, "Poor Uncle Vis." Megan shook her head, she looked up at a single Avenger, "Oh, don't worry. He's going to find someone as well." She spoke as she stared at Friday.

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