Chapter 26 - Beef Jerky and Immortality

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James rummaged through the cabinets, looking for the one thing that Cassie could eat without throwing up. "Victoria, where's the Beef Jerky?" "I'm afraid there's none left, Mr. Rogers." James sighed, he picked up a hamburger wrapper and scrunched his nose, "It's like I'm living with barn animals." The older kids had managed to convince their parents and Tony to let them live together in the compound, Steve, Nat and Buck moved to their own house much like the older Avengers had. So, Brooklyn and Alex took up one room, James, Cooper and Cassie took up another one, Lila and Edward took up another one and Rain and Peter took up the last room.

"Great, the only things she wants to eat this whole day and we don't have it." James bit his lip, he dashed upstairs, but by the time he reached his room, Cassie was already fast asleep. Cooper was on the couch and James' blanket was still on the floor next to the bed. Pregnant Cassie was "I need space from both you idiots" Cassie so James and Cooper couldn't sleep on the bed with her. James chuckled at Cassie cuddling with the pillow as he kissed her forehead and grabbed his coat, "Victoria, any 24/7 convenience stores near?" "One that's 12 miles away, sir." "12 miles?! There's none closer?" "I'm afraid not Mr. Rogers."

James sighed, quietly sneaking out and locking the door behind him. If Cassie was to wake up again, he wanted her to have her Beef Jerky, so at 3 at night, he drove his car to the nearby convenience store. He walked inside and noticed only one other woman there, she was blonde with green eyes. James had never seen her before in his life, but she seemed familiar to him for some reason. She looked up at him and gasped slightly, recovering herself quickly, "James Rogers, right? I read about you in a tabloid." He chuckled, nodding and extending his hand towards the woman who took it in her own, her touch soothed James like his mother's did.

"Always nice to meet a fan." The woman smiled. "May I know your name?" The woman's eyes went wide and then she coughed, "Uh... Missy America." James snorted, "Clever fake name... like Miss America..." The woman remained a serious expression and James blushed, "That's... that's your real name isn't it?" She nodded and James awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "So what are you doing here this late, James?" The young man shrugged, "My girlfriend... She had a craving for Beef Jerky so I'm here to pick up some." The woman's eyes shone pridefully, as if she was the reason why James was so courteous to Cassie.

"Must be one hell of a girlfriend for you to be driving out here at 3 am." "She's actually pregnant with my baby." James mumbled and the woman's eyes glittered with tears. "You... you're going to be a father?" James nodded. "Congratulations and good luck, my boy. I hope your baby is wonderful and healthy and turns out to be just like you, for you are an amazing young man." James smiled, he felt comfortable with this woman for some reason. He looked at the business cards in the woman's hand, "You're looking for work?" The woman nodded, "We... We were kind of looking for a maid. I mean, we pay well and-"

The woman bit her lip, she looked down as if she was conflicted with herself as if to take the job or not. "You can live in the Avengers village... a separate house if you want." The woman's eyes went wide, "In the Avengers village... with all the other Avengers." James nodded. "Oh no, I possibly can't." "Please. Ma'am, I'll be honest with you, I lost my mom a while back and for some reason I... I feel my mom's soul in you, you seem just like her. Please, I'm begging you. Any pay you want, anything." The woman sighed, "I'm sorry son, I can't." She hugged James tightly and without hesitating James wrapped his arms around her as well, "I hope you find your mom someday, I really do. I also hope your child will be as fantastic as you."

The woman walked out, leaving James looking after her. To him, it felt like he had lost his mom all over again. Shaking his head and grabbing the Beef Jerky, he drove back home, trying to forget that mysterious woman.


"GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT." Alex looked wide-eyed over at Cassie, "You heard her... let's." All of them rushed out of the room as an uncomfortable Cassie sat on the couch, shifting here and there to find a comfortable position. James walked in, a mango smoothie in his hand as he handed it to a glowering Cassie. "Here's your smoothie babe, just like you requested." "YOU." Cassie yelled with murderous rage. James blinked, "You... you're the reason I'm in this mess and this stupid kid won't come out." James chuckled. "Is this funny for you?" Cassie asked and James shrugged.

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