Chapter 6 - The End is Here...

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Thanos tried to block his surroundings out of his head, "No, no, no." He cried weakly, he stared as Megan picked up Sui San carelessly and sent a jolt through her body, Thanos' mother opening her eyes. His mother breathed out and Megan picked a small piece of her skin, slowly peeling it off of her as Sui San's screams rang out through the deserted planet that they were on. "No, please." Thanos pleaded, "I'll do anything, my mother... She deserves better." Megan stopped peeling, half of Sui San's face's skin hanging limply off of her.

"You hand me all the stones and you go back to your pathetic planet, never to be seen by anyone again." Thanos snarled and Megan pulled more skin, his mother's agonizing screams being heard across the eerie silence of the planet. "Fine. Yes. The stones are yours." Megan smiled and held out her hand, just as Thanos took off his gauntlet and was about to place it in her hands, the vision around him and Megan began to crumble. Megan looked down to see a long spear through her stomach. She fell to her knees and Thanos wore his gauntlet again, staring with admiration and love at the young girl behind Megan.

"My dear, you've done well. You will be rewarded for your bravery." Cassie smiled and snarled into Megan's ear, "Surprise Aunt Meg." Megan coughed out blood as she tried just to keep conscious. "Cassie, why?" She asked weakly and Thanos' roaring laughter sent hatred to spike in her heart, "Oh it's hardly her fault." Thanos enveloped Cassie in a yellow light and she fell to the ground, she looked over at Megan and sobbed horrifically, "AUNT MEGAN!" "The mind is a delicate thing, easily manipulated, don't you think, Lady Eros?" Thanos asked and Megan grimaced in pain.

He made his way to Vision, sending Wanda flying into Steve as they both crashed down onto the floor. He picked up the android and began to pull the stone out, "VISION!" Wanda cried as the android's lifeless, dull and gray body fell to the ground. Thanos placed the stone in his gauntlet and shook at the power. Thor came roaring suddenly, Thanos fell to the ground due to the electricity and lightning as Thor struck him in the chest with Stormbringer.

He looked at Thanos, straight in the eye, "I told you. You'd die for that!" Thanos laughed and pulled at the ax, "You should have... you..." Thanos coughed and suddenly his body radiated with power, "You should have gone for the head!" Thanos snapped his fingers and Thor roared, "NO!" Thanos dissolved away and Megan looked around confused, Brooklyn, Lila, Cassie, Alex and James were surrounding her as they panted.

"Nat? Steve? Meg?" Megan pulled the spear out of her stomach and yelled in pain as the wound began to heal, she ran towards Bucky, all the Avengers relatively together in the forest. "Bucky? Buck?" She spoke, her voice cracking as Bucky began to dissolve into dust, "NO!" Natasha cried, her tears coming faster now, "NO, NO, NO. MEGAN HELP." Megan stood still in shock. T'Challa began to dissolve, Okoye looking at him with horror. Groot, Wanda, Sam, they all slowly dissolved. "SAM, Sam baby. Stay with me. Vanessa needs both her dads, Sam no." Wade broke down crying, stripping off his mask.

"Meg... Meg, I don't feel so good." Megan looked over at Steve who stumbled down, his face ashen and gray. Megan's heart started to constrict, she had trouble breathing as she ran towards him. She grabbed him as she laid his head in her lap just as he fell, "Steve please, I can't... I can't live without you." Steve looked up at her, "I love you." He whispered as he dissolved and Megan let out a deafening scream, enough to obliterate the entire alien army completely. "Mom?" Megan looked up, Brooklyn fell down into Alex's arms.

James stumbled into Cassie's as she held him. Lila fell beside James. "Mom, I... I don't want to die, Mom, I don't want to go. Not yet, Mom, not yet." Brooklyn cried as she breathed heavily. Megan watched shell-shock as Brooklyn, James, Alex and Lila all dissolved into dust and floated away. "NO." Megan screamed, she raked her face as she grabbed her sword and used it to cut her wrist, the wound closing up almost immediately. She didn't stop, she kept on cutting until Natasha wrapped her arms around Megan, "No, no. I can't lose you too." The two women cried in each other's arms.


Tony watched in horror as Strange, Quill, Drax and Mantis dissolved away. Edward fell into Tony's lap weakly, "Pop-pop, I feel faint." Tony wrapped his arm around his namesake, pulling him into his chest. "You can't leave me, c'mon Ed, you can't leave me." Tony cried. "Rain." "Peter." Rain held Peter as she kissed his cheek and forehead, "I have to tell you something before I go." Rain shushed him, pressing a finger to his lips, but Peter kissed it. "I know it might be inappropriate, but I've fallen for you Rain. I love you." Rain's tears flowed down onto Peter's skin as he hissed at the contact.

He slowly began to disintegrate, the dust floating away. "Rain, are you okay?" Tony asked, crying as he stared at Edwards' dusty remains. He received no answer and he looked up to see dust particles floating, no one there. Tony let out an agonizing scream.


"Maria, what is that?" Maria and Pietro looked up, Friday and Fury in the back seat as they saw a helicopter crash into a building. "What the-" Maria was cut short by a car slamming into the van, luckily due to the upgraded defense, the van just bounced back. Maria looked over at Pietro who seemed grayish and dull, "Piet?" She asked and Pietro looked over at her terrified before he turned into flood. Friday stared with horror as Fury and Maria both dissolved into small, brown particles and floated away. "He did it." She whispered terrified.

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