Chapter 14 - America's Ass and his Wife

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Megan looked over at Natasha, everyone standing on the platform, she reached over and kissed Natasha passionately, the other Avengers looking down uneasily at the sheer intimacy of the moment. "You better come back to me." Natasha smiled, "I will, only if you promise you too." Megan nodded, their foreheads touching, "Please, come back to me, I need you." Megan sobbed brokenly and Natahsa's heart clenched to see her this way, "I will. I love you." "I love you too." The two women kissed again and they separated, getting ready to leave. "Wait-" Margaret ran up to Megan and her eyes were pure white.

"Maggie?" Megan screeched horrified, as she cradled Margaret's body, slowly the colour returned in her face and eyes, "I saw a vision. I don't know why, but I have to go with Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint." Megan turned to look towards the two and then Margaret, "Last time your siblings joined a fight, it didn't end well." "I'm not reckless like them." Margaret chuckled and Megan sighed, "Take care of her." Natasha nodded, "Absolutely-" "I was talking to Margaret." Natasha stifled her smile, "And take care of my daughter, you two." They both nodded.

Megan stood up and looked at Margaret already wearing a suit, she raised a brow at her daughter, "Where'd you get that?" "Made it." She took up a space on one of the empty spaces as everyone looked around, "See you in a minute."

They all went into their various time periods, Megan looked around and saw that they were in New York, she nodded, satisfied and looked at Scott, Tony and Bruce. "All right, we all have our assignments. Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." The past Hulk ran past them, smashing everything in sight and Bruce laid a hand on his face, "Feel free to smash a few things along the way." Bruce sighed at Megan, "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever."


Tony spoke into the comm as he noticed all the original Avengers, including Megan standing around Loki with angry faces. "Got to hustle, Meg. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Megan walked rapidly towards the elevator and nodded, "Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." Tony flew down into the room and chuckled, "Uh, Mrs. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit," He looked at Steve's behind, "did nothing for your husband's ass." Megan scoffed, rolling her eyes, "No one asked you to look, Dad. He's my husband, not yours. No matter how desperately you want him to be."

Tony grinned, "It's ridiculous." he whispered and tiny Scott shook his head, "I think he looks great Meg. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." He did a patriotic salute and Megan chuckled. "But your suit is really working for your ass though." "Dad, stop looking at our asses." Scott looked over at the men wearing all black and grabbing the case with the scythe from Natasha's hands, "Who are these guys?" "They are SHIELD...Well, actually Hydra. But, we didn't know that yet." Tony answered back. Scott snorted, "Seriously, you didn't? I mean...they look like bad guys." Retorting back immediately, Tony whispered harshly, "You're small, but you're talking loud."

Tony looked up just as he slapped a device on Loki's mouth to shut him up, "All right, you're up, little buddy." Pointing to the briefcase with the Tesseract he spoke, "There's our stone." Scott lay down on Tony's shoulder and nodded, "Alright. Flick me." Tony flicked Scott into past Tony's beard, as past Tony scratched it, Scott fell into his arc reactor. Tony glanced over at past Natasha who sent longing looks towards past Megan and Steve who kissed as she walked off with Thor. "How couldn't I tell?" Tony thought to himself. Past Natasha looked so heartbroken, staring at both of them as she averted her eyes.

"All right, Meg. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor." "On it. Head to the lobby." "Alright. I'll see you there." The elevator opened in front of Megan and she flashed a flirtatious smile to all the men in the elevator. "Boys." She purred and she saw a few of them gulp, "H-hi Ms. Brooks, I-I thought you were still upstairs." Sitwell stuttered and Megan entered, giggling as she laid a hand on the man's shoulder, "I can't use the elevator, is there a rule?" She whispered and Sitwell shook his head, a blush creeping across his cheek and neck.

"I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter." Sitwell blinked, "Ma'am? I don't understand." Megan winked at him, "We got word there may be an attempt to steal it." Sitwell straightened and looked straight ahead, "Sorry, Agent Brooks. I can't give you the scepter." Rumlow spoke and Megan leaned in closer to him, pressing her lips slightly against his ear, "And why's that, hun?" Rumlow cleared his throat as he clutched the case tighter. Megan sighed, "I'm gonna have to call the Director." Megan glanced over at Sitwell and smiled widely, wetting her lips and puffing them out slightly, "That's okay. Trust me." She pressed her lips to Sitwell's ear, "Hail Hydra."

She felt dirty even saying it, but Sitwell's mouth opened and then slowly spread into a grin, "Once a villainess, always a villainess, eh?" Megan smiled in response, "Being good is boring, being bad is sexy." Sitwell let his eyes roam down Megan's leather suit, "It so is." He responded, he motioned towards Rumlow who handed Megan the case, "If things don't work out between you and Cap, you know where to come." Megan chuckled and lightly slapped Rumlow's cheek, "Aren't you sweet."

Megan walked through the glass walkway, speaking into her comm, "Dad, what's going on? Tell me you found that cube." She looked up to see the past Steve standing there in front of her and she involuntarily let out a gasp, her eyes brimming with tears as she clenched her fists from keeping them for falling. "Meg?" Past Steve looked utterly confused and Megan didn't dare blink for if she did her tears would've surely escaped her lids. "Hey... Cap." Past Steve's brows furrowed, "I thought you were going with Thor to take Loki..." "I-" She started and was cut off when Steve held up a hand and listened in on his comm, "Loki's what? He's gone?"

Past Steve glanced up and he noticed the case in Megan's hand, his eyes growing wide, "I have eyes on Loki. 14th floor." Megan sighed, putting down the case, "I'm not Loki. And I don't wanna hurt you." Steve came running towards her and swung his fist towards her stomach, she intercepted and grabbed his fist, twisting him in the air and launching him straight into the glass floor as she got on top of him, straddling his waist. She pinned both his arms above his head, "For God's sake, Steve, stop struggling." Megan heaved.

He loosened his body and drove his knees into Megan's lower back as she rolled away in pain and he twisted her hair around his fist, dragging her up. She breathed heavily through her nose, she elbowed past Steve in the ribs and launched him over the side of the building, cushioning his blow before he hit the ground. Heaving she grabbed the briefcase until she found herself eye-to-eye with the past her, "Oh, you gotta be shitting me."

"Did you just throw my boyfriend over the side of that building?" past Megan asked and Megan smiled, "He was annoying me. Now, get out of the way." "Loki, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hope you know I can kill you." Real Megan groaned, "I'm not Loki, Jesus, how many times do I have to say it?" Past Megan growled and got ready into position, launching herself at real Megan. Real Megan grabbed her foot and was about to throw her when past Megan used her powers to make Real Megan crash backwards into the wall behind her. "Ugh, I forgot we mainly used our powers back then." Real Megan sent a ball of golden energy flying towards past Megan as she dodged it.

"H-h-how did you do that?" Past Megan asked and real Megan shrugged, "With my sarcastic charm. I did that 'cause I'm you, idiot!" Past Megan blinked, she growled and launched up, twisting her body so that her thighs held real Megan in a chokehold, "Oh I forgot about that move too." Megan croaked out as she fell to the floor dizzily. "Katheryn, Bucky... is... alive." Past Megan dropped down from real Megan as she shakily fell onto the floor, "How did you know I'm Katheryn? More importantly, WHERE'S BUCKY?" Real Megan kicked past Megan in her face making her pass out cold onto the glass floor.

Megan stared at past Megan's ass and nodded, "Dad's right, my ass looks amazing in this suit." She glanced down at Steve, who also lay unconscious on the floor, "That's America's ass, alright!" She jumped down from the building and turned back to see Tony and Scott in a broken down car, "Meg... sorry, sweetheart. We got a... problem." Megan groaned.

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