Chapter 33 - Captain Fatale's Children

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"Hey, Rain?" "Hmm." She responded to Peter as she folded their laundry, "I-I have some friends that can help us from the sidelines, you know, camera feeds, technology, stuff like that." Rain nodded, "Ok, ask Mom." "Well, I kinda want you to meet them too." Rain paused, she turned around, "Ok, tell me when and I'll get ready." Peter blinked, he pursed his lips. Rain let out a panicked sigh, "They're outside, aren't they?" Peter nodded sheepishly. "PETER." He shrugged, "You look fine."

"I haven't even prepared-" "Prepared for what?" "UM, HELLO!" Peter's brows furrowed, "Hi?" Rain slapped her forehead, "No, I mean... what if they don't like me?" Peter sighed, he stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around Rain, kissing her on the side of her head. "I really like you..." Peter smirked, "They will too." Rain nodded softly, "Ok." Peter walked to the door and opened it as Rain nervously pushed her hands behind her back.

A bronze-skinned girl with curls like Rain's, except they were black walked in, eyes wide as she looked at Rain who gave her a small smile. An Asian boy walked in, he was handsome, eyes alert and hair loose and tousled like a model's. "Hey-" Rain started but got cut off by the girl, "Wow. It's really you? Femme Fatale's daughter, The Crimson Warper." Rain raised a brow, "So that's what they call me?" The girl nodded sheepishly, she looked back at the guy, wrapping her hand around his, "Look." She whispered to him in admiration, but he was staring at Rain with just as much fascination as her.

"When Peter told us he was dating you, we kinda... didn't believe him." Rain chuckled, "Why not?" "Well, he's so... dorky and you're so cool." Rain shook her head, "Nah, I'm dorky too." She gave them an impish grin. "I'm Ned, by the way." Rain nodded, "I know, Peter's told me so much about you and," She looked at the girl, "You as well, MJ." The girl blinked, "SHE KNOWS MY NAME!" Peter slapped his forehead, "You guys promised to be cool." MJ scoffed, "Don't act like a celebrity just cause you're dating this gorgeous goddess, literally." Rain smiled, "I'm actually a demigoddess."

MJ shrugged, as if to say "same difference". "Anyways, let's get you to my mom, she'll appreciate the extra help." Rain spoke as they exited her and Peter's bedroom, "I get to meet Femme Fatale too? Best. Day. Ever." Rain chuckled under her breath as she led them towards Megan.


"Didn't you kill Kronos?" That single question led the room into a tense silence, everyone looking up at Megan with anticipation as she chewed on her bottom lip. She played with the pen in her hands, spinning it around and watching it teeter slightly. She sighed, grabbing the pen she placed it on her pointer finger, precisely in the center of the pen as it stayed there, unwavering. "You see this?" She asked, she continued without waiting for anyone's answer, "It's balanced."

"Now," she took a small breath as her eyes focused on just the pen, "Let's imagine the tip of the pen represents power and the end represents weakness." She spoke, "That's like the Greeks. The gods. They've always been Goldilocks, Switzerland, neutral, it's just how they made the rules, everything has to be perfectly balanced." Megan sighed, swiveling the pen on her finger one more as she leaned back in the chair, "Kronos... yes, I killed him, but he's immortal. I, technically, can't kill an immortal being. He's back. He can't be too weak otherwise the scales tip, I can't be too powerful or the scales tip the other way, we have to be in the middle."

"What does that mean?" Helen asked in a mousy voice and Megan pursed her lips, "It means..." She trailed off, looking up into the sky as she took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. "It means that she killed Kronos the last time, this time... it's a strong possibility that it will be the other way around." Fury spoke from behind her and Megan nodded slightly. The team sat there in solemn silence, Megan opened her eyes and peered out at her family. "He just wants me." She whispered, "He only needs to kill me..."

She trailed off and everyone knew what she was trying to imply. Despite the fact that Megan had hurt most of the team, she had also done more for them than anyone had. All of them had done so much for each other, remained loyal to one another and now they couldn't stand the thought of the one person that brought them together to be gone... from them, forever. Steve shook his head, "You are not going to be playing the hero again-" Megan cut him off with a small laugh, "I am a hero, sweetheart."

"Fine, but you're not dying for the rest of us. We're all grown up and we can sure as hell fight alongside you." Natasha spoke, her hand winding around Megan's. "I'm not about to let my wife die." Bucky spoke up, shaking his head. The whole team watched with a sort of awe, at first, this four-way relationship seemed weird to the team, but now looking at them all, they understood how much love all of them had for each other. "Guys, I'm just saying, this is the most logical. He only wants me, once I'm out of the picture, the rest of you will be safe from hi-" Natasha cut her off with a kiss, she rested her head on her forehead, "I'm not letting go of you again, understood?" Megan nodded, sighing dreamily.

"Alright, I guess the only thing to do now is to-" "SUIT UP!" Tony yelled dramatically, stepping on Steve's moment as he growled at his father-in-law.


"Brook, come on out. I wanna see!" Alex whined, Brooklyn had gone in to try her new suit, she was now known as the "Rosewood Enchantress". The young woman stepped out of the bathroom timidly, "It's really tight." She spoke quietly and she stepped out fully allowing Alex to see her. Alex's eyes raved over Brooklyn's body and he gulped visibly. Her suit was just like her mother's and his, skin tight, yet her's was a dark shade of red, much like her powers. The suit accentuated her breasts and curved in at her waist, hugging her hips deliciously. Thigh holsters held guns on one side and her engraved Katana gift from Wade on the other side.

Brooklyn noticed the silence and she looked up nervously, she gasped when she saw Alex's eyes significantly darken to almost a midnight blue, his pupils lust-blown as he stared at her. Suddenly her nervous butterflies floated away as she smirked, "I look that good huh?" Alex licked his lips, "Instead of telling you, why don't I show you." He spoke huskily as he grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto their bed, she squealed, delighted. Alex hovered over her, attaching his lips to hers immediately and ravishing her like she was Megan's pot roast, because Megan's pot roast was just that good.


"THIS IS AWESOME!" Edward yelled as he flew overtop Megan in his new "Iron Man" suit that Tony had made for him. Edward's suit was a shade of timberwolf, dark violet's accents on the sides of his suit. Megan chuckled as she watched him, all her kids had been given their "superhero names" by mainstream media, covering their most recent battles, which was when they went to get Megan out of that warehouse. Rain was "The Crimson Warper", Brooklyn "The Rosewood Enchantress", Edward was known as "The Ferric Empath", James was known as, "The Elemental Master" and Alex "The Enticer".

Not just her children, but Cassie, Lila, and Cooper were given hero names as well as they were so heavily involved with the team at this point. Cassie was "The Bewitcher", Lila "The Percepter", and Cooper was "Bronze Ultimatum." Megan chuckled to herself at the naiveness of the media, naming them all as if they were a part of the Avengers. As a family, they were, as heroes, Megan wasn't so sure she was ready for that. She glanced to the side as Steve and James walked out, their suits almost identical except James' stealth suit was completely black with silver seams. "Woah, lookin' good." Megan teased her son and he shot her a flattering grin.

"Have you seen Brooklyn or Rain in their suit's yet?" Megan asked and James shook his head, he wrinkled his nose in disgust. "From the sounds I heard outside their rooms, they're preoccupied at the moment." Megan closed her eyes, "TMI." James chuckled at his mother and looked up, smirking at his brother. "Mom, look at this." The young man's black suit slowly changed to icy blue as frost formed on him and he shot ice towards a tree. The colour slowly morphed to a fiery orange as a fireball was shot at the same tree, making it break down. The suit slowly turned to green and brown, like grass on earth as the ground under the Avenger's feet started to rumble.

"Our kids are too powerful." Steve mumbled and Megan scoffed, "Tell me about it."

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