Chapter 24 - First date Jitters

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"First date jitters?" Brooklyn shrugged as her Aunt Nat did her makeup, "I don't know. I guess... it's just that Mom isn't here." Natasha sighed, she paused, eyeliner brush in hand as it wavered in the air. "This... it's an important milestone for me, you know? She should be telling me stuff like how I shouldn't put out on the first date or how I should be home by 11." Natasha tried for a smile that didn't reach her eyes at all, "I can do those things." "It's different... she... she gave me birth, Ma." Natasha paused, stilling, "W-w-what did you just call me?"

Brooklyn's eyes went wide, she hadn't even realized, she looked over at her sister who also had her first date today, she was busy picking out her clothes. "I-I called you Na... short for Nat." Natasha shook her head, "Don't lie to me child, I can tell, I'm a master assassin." Brooklyn sighed, "Yeah... I called you Ma... i-is that okay?" Natasha felt tears prick the sides of her eyes, "That is absolutely alright." She sniffled and went back to applying Brooklyn's makeup.

Meanwhile, the two super soldiers stared down their sons, "Now," Steve started, "You all have been trained to be gentlemen, which you will be. You will be nothing but respectful, you will open all doors for them, you will give them your jackets if their cold, you will talk to Scott and Clint respectfully, you will not think of them as any less than you-" "Yeah, and don't go into this thinking it's just a fling. Look, sometimes things don't work out, but we need you guys to have pure intentions of an actual relationship." Steve nodded along with Bucky.

The brunette snapped his fingers, as if he thought of something else, "Don't expect anything to happen, it's only your first date." Steve spoke up, "Don't expect sex, at all." Bucky picked at his lip, "But, also, don't... not touch them or kiss them. Like don't be boring, a little thigh stroke, a passionate kiss... girls like that." Steve looked over at him, "They do?" Bucky shook his head at his husband, "I'll explain it to you when you get older, Captain America." Steve scoffed and Bucky went to his cabinet, pulling out a condom box, "Just... just in case." he handed each young man 3 condoms. "Still, no sex on the first date." Bucky growled.

"You say that like you and Nat didn't have sex on the first date." "Ha, what about you and Megan... and before you answer, I mean the first re-do date." Alex scrunched his nose, looking over at Edward and James who were staring at their fathers with a disgusted expression. "Nevermind, anyways, these girls are more than capable of taking care of themselves, so you all treat them equally." "But pay for their meals as well as your own." Bucky added and Steve nodded in agreement.

"Ok, we get it." James spoke, he readjusted his metal arm, just like his Uncle Buck, shifting it so that it was comfortable. The boys started to leave, but Alex stayed back and he looked pointedly at his dad until Bucky left as well. "What's up?" Steve asked. "Well, sir, I'm taking your daughter out." Steve smiled, "You don't have to call me sir." Alex relaxed, "Ok, um... Uncle Steve, I really like Brooklyn and trust me... we'll be... uh... I mean... I'll be... a gentleman." Steve chuckled, "I should hope so otherwise my daughter will kick your ass herself."

Brooklyn knocked on the door and walked in, "Hey." Alex's eyes bulged as he took her in. She was wearing a black, silk, low-cut dress that was well above her knee. It was skintight and she wore a leather jacket on top, marron, combat heels underneath. "You... you... amazing... gorgeous... beautiful... hot." Brooklyn chuckled, "And you look sexy." She teased and her father cleared his throat, "Sorry Daddy." She bat her eyelashes angelically and then looked over at Alex as he handed her a single, black rose.

"My favourite." She breathed in the scent and smiled, "smells just like Mom." "That's why I gave it to you." Not caring about her father, Brooklyn kissed Alex and pulled away, dragging him out, "Bye dad!" Steve chuckled, the dress she wore was Megan's and he couldn't help but notice how much she looked like her. His heart yearned, but it was also incredibly happy for his daughter.

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