Chapter 4 - Rain's Visions

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Okoye walked beside T'Challa, her mouth in a frown as she saw Megan fly down onto the ground, her teammates close behind her. "When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world... this is not what I imagined." T'Challa smiled softly, "And what did you imagine?" "The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks." Meanwhile, Megan and Steve walked in the front, Bucky and Nat behind them, Bruce and Rhodey behind them and then Wanda and Vision taking up the rear. "Do we bow?" Bruce leaned over, whispering to Rhodey.

"Yeah, he's a king." Megan and Steve wore grim smiles as they shook hands with T'Challa, Megan pulling him in for a hug. She saw the other guards around T'Challa look at her disapprovingly, "I see they're all sticks in the mud still." T'Challa glanced around and hid his laugh, "Yes, well, they hate to see someone breaking the rules." Okoye frowned at Megan and Megan shot her a wink, "Hey Oki, how we doin?" "Mrs. Rogers." Okoye answered. Megan looked over at T'Challa, "I can tell that I'm close to breaking through her emotionless, robot facade." Okoye pursed her lips to hide her smile.

"Seems like we're always thanking you for something." T'Challa nodded sincerely and Bruce awkwardly bowed, Megan looking back with a look of shame as she stared at Bruce. "What are you doing?" Rhodey spoke in mock shock. Bruce awkwardly stood back up again, giving the king a sheepish smile, "Uh, we don't do that here." Bruce angrily looked over at Rhodey and the man simply shrugged, shooting him a wide grin. "So how big of an assault can we expect?" T'Challa asked as they began walking into one of the administrative buildings.

Bruce tripped over his feet to stay in line, "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault." Natasha asked in her monotone voice, as always, "How we looking?" "You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and now you guys." T'Challa responded.


Megan stood by Shuri as she looked over at Vision's internal composition, "Whoa. The structure is polymorphic." Bruce nodded thoughtfully, "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." "Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Vision looked towards Bruce with a raised eyebrow, Bruce cleared his throat and blinked, "Because, we didn't think of it." Megan snorted and Shuri gave Bruce a smile, "I'm sure you did your best." "Can you do it?" Wanda asked worriedly and Shuri gave her a reassuring smile, "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She turned to T'Challa, "It will take time, brother." "How long?" Megan asked, "As long as you can give me."

Okoye flicked one of her beads and pursed her lips, "Something's entered the atmosphere." Outside, Sam and Bucky looked up into the air, "Hey, Meg, Cap, we got a situation here." A plane of some sort came full speed against the forcefield and bounced back dangerously. Bucky broke into a smile, "God, I love this place. Meg, Steve, Nat, what do you say we retire here after this whole alien shit?" Rhodey flew up in his suit, "Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome."

The shock waves from the force field felt like little earthquakes as the ground shook with each assault. Vision started to slide off the table, "It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now." Megan growled at Vision, "Vision, get your ass back on the fucking table." Vision blinked, but he slid back, everyone knew better than to argue with Megan, except Steve. The guards gasped at Megan's profane use of language, "Oh calm your tits, it's not like you haven't used the lord's name in vain before."

T'Challa chuckled, he nodded solemnly, "We will hold them off." Megan looked over at Wanda, "Wanda, as soon as the stone's out of his head... you blow it to hell." The woman nodded, "I will." "We need more people, any word from the others?" Steve asked Megan and she shook her head. "Maximoff and Hill are following some sort of lead in New York and Lang and VanDyke think that... quantum vortices or some science shit like that can help us so they're figuring that out." Steve nodded, "For now it's just us." "Just us is a badass team Cap." Wade's voice came in, him and Sam had flown in after the jet due to a hasty phone call.

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